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  1. Thanks so much. This is very interesting. It seems that in order to use the workaround for a js override method in http://stackoverflow.com/a/33857893/1136132, one would need to also change the .tpl file to refer to the new validation function in the new js file? Is that correct? Where would I put the new js file containing the override method so that Prestashop would find it?
  2. I want to alter one of the form validation methods contained in js/validate.js. Where would I place the override file? I can't find any info on overriding js files. Is it possible to override only the method that I want to change - ie I don't want to override the whole js file. I am looking for a way to extend validate.js (similar to the way of overriding classes or controllers) if that is possible? Any assistance with this would be much appreciated.
  3. I discovered the problem. The override class must have a specific name. In my example above, my opening statement in the override file was <?php if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; class CountryOverride extends CountryCore { /* Override code */ } ?> That does not work. In order for the override to work, it must be: <?php if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; class Country extends CountryCore { /* Override code */ } ?> No name except Country will work for the override class. If it is called anything else, it is ignored in the regenerated class_index.php. It appears that when overriding a class, one must first check the class_index.php file to find the name of the method to use for the override. This will usually be near to the methodCore.
  4. Hello El Patron, I have been trying to work out what the solution was in this post. Was is just changing the name of the override file to match the case - ie Tools.php instead of tools.php? I am experiencing the same issue. I am trying to override the checkZipCode method within Country.php, but my override is ignored. I put my new Country.php method into the override/classes/ folder and then deleted the cache/class_index.php file. The new cache/class_index.php file is regenerated immediately, but it still shows false for the CountryCore override. I have checked that Advanced Parameters->Performance->Disable All Overrides is set to No. I also double checked that my override filename is Country.php (ie identical to the file it is overriding) and the class CountryOverride extends CountryCore statement is also in the right case. There must be something else that causes overrides to be ignored, but I can't see it right now. Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
  5. There are many things in Prestashop that work beautifully and are really impressive - but this (zones) is a huge design fault in Prestashop. It is not practical to keep splitting the zones as suggested above. This defeats the purpose of having zones. For example, there are 9 standard zones for a Prestashop installation. Add a carrier with 10 zones that overlap the standard Prestashop zones. Use Express and Standard shipping with that carrier that has different zone definitions. Before you know it, you must split your 9 zones into 40 just to address this. Now you must enter 40 different shipping prices for each carrier. Royal Mail has only 3 zones, but 40 zones info will be required. UPS has just 10 zones, but 40 prices will be required. Add another shipping method or another carrier and you can just split every country into a zone. Then you have 244 zones and the usefulness of zones is gone. Prestashop should allow a country to be added to multiple zones. This way, one could set up zones for each carrier that include only the countries covered by that carrier with the applicable rates for that zone without affecting the other zones. This requires a total redesign of the way zones work in Prestashop. Why must zone definitions be limited to countries? Why not allow a city or state to be part of a zone?
  6. Thanks for your reply, much appreciated. I will proceed with that.
  7. This isn't correct - if you add {shipping_number} to the email template, then {shipping_number}, not the actual tracking number, is what is presented in the email. A solution for this seemingly very simple feature, would be wonderful.
  8. I am fairly new to Prestashop. I want to build a module that makes some small changes to 2 methods in the CountryCore class in Country.php to provide for a more sophisticated post code validation. I also want to change 2 methods in the file js/validate.js to achieve this goal. I have made the changes within the core modules on a test installation and they work perfectly. However, I now want to make this into a module that can be made available to others who experience the same problem. Although there is a lot of information about the wonderful and easy to use override system in Prestashop, which is all understandable, I also keep reading the following statement: If making use of the override functionality of Prestashop is not the recommended way to make changes to Prestashop core class methods and cannot be included in modules that are intended for distribution, how should such changes be made? What is the recommended way to modify how certain methods work so that their functionality can be extended in a distributable module?
  9. I also have the problem. There should be a way to enter alternative post code formats for a particular country. That would solve the problem.
  10. The feed links to Google merchant centre and transfers details of ALL products listed in your store database, whether they are active or not. There seems to be no way to filter this list and I do not wish to have all my products showing on Google shopping. It also generates errors in certain of the mapping fields and I can't find any way to fix these mapping errors. In the end, I wrote a SQL query that extracts the information for my products into a file that can be uploaded by Google shopping. I just need to manually add the Google shopping categories for now. But doing it this way works much better than the automatic module. It is more effort, but better results.
  11. I also contacted Google help center and they advised that this happens when the site has no SSL certificate installed. I installed an SSL Certificate on my website and the Launch button now magically connects my shop to Google Merchant Center and creates the automatic feeds. Solution to this problem is to install an SSL certificate onto your website. You also need to click to enable SSL under Preferences->General.
  12. Same issue. I clicked Launch and then set up a Google Merchant Account. However, there seems to be a problem with the 'new PrestaShop API account will be automatically generated and your store information and credentials will be submitted to Merchant Center through a secure connection' step in the process. The Prestashop API account does not seem to be created and is definitely not passed to the Merchant Center. As a result of this, the Ecommerce Platform Imports option in the Merchant Center Product Feeds remains unselectable. Reading the instructions, it is clear that 'You must link your Merchant Center account to your PrestaShop account before you can enable the PrestaShop import option'. However, this is where the problem lies. When I go to the ECommerce tab under account linking, it shows that no ecommerce accounts have been linked. In addition, there appears to be no way of adding such a link from the Google Merchant Center as there is no + button. I am not sure if there is a way to manually create this link, but even if there was, how would you do it because the 'new Prestashop API account' is not made visible when clicking 'Launch' from the Prestashop Google Shopping Module. The module developed by Prestashop Partners appears not to be working at this step. Prestashop Partners - please help!
  13. I have recently started with Prestashop and I am almost complete with building my shop. I have added my products, but for the last 3 days I can't update product information on the backend. When I click "Save" or "Save and Stay", none of my changes are saved. I have searched the forums extensively and it seems other people have had similar issues on prior versions of Prestashop. The suggestions for solving the problems from other issues were: 1. Clear the browser cache 2. Uninstall any non-Prestashop modules 3. Set server max input vars to 3,000 or higher I have done these things, but that has not made any difference. Changes that I make to the product page are not saved most of the time. On occasion the change is saved - maybe once out of every 10 attempts. This sporadic nature of the saves makes it difficult to identify the potential problem, since it works sometimes. The browser console is not reporting any errors on the page. I have set Prestashop to debug mode and this gives me a lot of information. On the times when the update is successful, the redirection is caught and I can see the sql queries that update the mysql database. When the Prestashop does not update the products, there is no redirection - this step seems to be skipped. Prestashop displays the successful update message in both situations, even when it performed no update. I have not made any changes to the code other than changing colours of text / buttons in the theme css files. I would really appreciate some help from someone who is experienced in Prestashop.
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