Hi all,
I'm pretty new to Prestashop. One of my client recently asked me to have a look on bugs on a Prestashop ( website, so I'm trying to understand how it works.
On of the bugs is: when a cart rule is applied to the cart, no others can be applied in addition, as a result only on cart rule can be applied. Even if all cart rules have been set to be compatible with all others.
So I analysed Prestashop code to understand the mechanism of adding a cart rule to the cart, and there is a line a can't understand in addCartRule() from Cart class (Cart.php).
public function addCartRule($id_cart_rule)
// You can't add a cart rule that does not exist
$cartRule = new CartRule($id_cart_rule, Context::getContext()->language->id);
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($cartRule))
return false;
if (Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT id_cart_rule FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_cart_rule WHERE id_cart = '.(int)$this->id))
return false;
// Add the cart rule to the cart
if (!Db::getInstance()->insert('cart_cart_rule', array(
'id_cart_rule' => (int)$id_cart_rule,
'id_cart' => (int)$this->id
return false;
if ((int)$cartRule->gift_product)
$this->updateQty(1, $cartRule->gift_product, $cartRule->gift_product_attribute, false, 'up', 0, null, false);
return true;
To me this line:
if (Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT id_cart_rule FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_cart_rule WHERE id_cart = '.(int)$this->id))
return false;
checks if there is already a rule for the current cart. But it doesn't check if the current rule is already applied, it just return false if there is already a rule for this cart.
Am I wrong ? So, to me, as a result, if there is already a rule applied to this cart, no others can be added because these lines will return false every time.
I understand that the idea here is to avoid to add a rule which is already applied to the cart, but I think a condition like 'AND id_cart_rule = ' . (int) $id_cart_rule is missing. Of course I might be completely wrong as I still new to Prestashop, that's why I would much appreciate some explaination about these lines. I'm also sorry to ask question about core code of an outdated version... Thanks a lot guys ! Edouard