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Max Infocomercio

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About Max Infocomercio

  • Birthday 07/06/1984

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Salvador-Bahia-Brasil-Earth-Someone place in universe.
  • Interests
    ALL, all things, all peoples, all that the life have the offer.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
    Oliveira Reis

Max Infocomercio's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. For me the soluction was change the table ps_category_lang and add Home category for all my shops and lang.
  2. I am have to same problem, after i change my strutured of categories the presta return this error, in the back office, only while i select one shop, while i set all shops he work normaly, i already try set root category, create home category, change db and other things but not work. if someone cn help me , i need help... thanks and i'm sorry for my bad english. [PrestaShopException]Root category must be an integer value at line 212 in file classes/helper/HelperTreeCategories.php 207. }208. 209. public function setRootCategory($value)210. {211. if (!Validate::isInt($value)) {212. throw new PrestaShopException('Root category must be an integer value');213. }214. 215. $this->_root_category = $value;216. return $this;217. } HelperTreeCategoriesCore->setRootCategory - [line 2521 - controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php] - [1 Arguments] AdminProductsControllerCore->initContent - [line 189 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 367 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 58 - admin/index.php]
  3. I too have the same problem, i set the category for root, but not work, but, while i select all shops, work normally...
  4. I too have the same error, bur with me happen while i select one shop specifically, while i select all shops, works normaly, and i have access products, but while i select one shop, return the same error. someone can help in a solution for this, i really not have much experience with prestashop. thanks so much for ideas and suggestions
  5. I am trying install the pack translation but not work, i see the error in my log PHP Warning: copy(/home/infocome/public_html/themes/default-bootstrap-bootstrap/lang/br.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/infocome/public_html/controllers/admin/AdminTranslationsController.php on line 615, , someone can help me with one solution, thanks
  6. It is real, don't have solution to import multiples warehouses into the prestashop. ??? Someone know a module that make this ?
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