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  1. i want to change order reference to be a random numbers instead of random code like this EUUMSHAPD i use latest version of prestashop 1.7
  2. my question is very simple i want to translate states names
  3. after i regenerate all images with old and smaller size got white space around
  4. hi every one i used to use image in size 512*512 but i want to change it now for new products to be 1000*1000 when i add this dimensions in IMAGE SETTINGS thickbox_default and large_default i notices that all old images got a white space around the product images how can i fix this
  5. thnank you for your replay even if it takes custom code ?
  6. can i share customer between different groups ? customers only
  7. hi i intend to use prestashop multistore as every store different language for example store.com/en-GB is a store in english store.com/de-ES is a store in Spain but the problem is what is the code to add language switcher between this for example if i'm in store.com/en-GB/index.php?id_product=1&id_product_attribute=1&rewrite=faded-short-sleeves-tshirt&controller=product#/1-size-s/13-color-orange iwant when i click on the button move to store.com/de-ES/index.php?id_product=1&id_product_attribute=1&rewrite=faded-short-sleeves-tshirt&controller=product#/1-size-s/13-color-orange
  8. hi all i wonder if i can use the hreflang in the url for example if my site is German content, for users in Spain url will be example.com/de-ES if my site is English content, for GB users url will be example.com/en-GB thank you in advance
  9. thank you but it more than 6000 link
  10. hi i was using magento but i choose to move to prestashop but my problem is the url structure in prestashop is different than magento so i got a lot of 404 error form google which get me down in rank and seo score what should i do about this ?
  11. how to add in Attributes buttons like famous one in cloth stores XL XXL M S L i know i can use images and add XL in the image but i think buttons is better thanks
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