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premiumpresta last won the day on October 23 2016

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Community Answers

  1. You can follow Nemo's tutorial to adapt PrestaShop v1.6 to have combinations for virtual products.
  2. Do you have cache enabled? Try clearing cache, maybe that will help.
  3. You could run something like this on your database: UPDATE `ps_category_product` SET `position`=FLOOR(RAND()*10); Note that position numbers will repeat, but it will still be random. If you have many products you could use a number bigger than 10.
  4. For PrestaShop 1.7. To have the Volume changed automatically when you select another Width in FO you need to create each combination at a time in BO edit product page > Combinations tab. For example: Select Width: 50, Volume: 500, click GENERATE. Select Width: 90, Volume: 900, click GENERATE. Otherwise, if you select all the values and click GENERATE once, it will create all the possible combinations and you'll end up with all the volumes available for each of the widths.
  5. Check if you have the right permissions on the server. The permissions on your directories should be 755 or 775 and on your files 644 or 664. Have a look into documentation about install where it talks about setting permissions.
  6. BO > Catalog > Categories doesn't list the products that a category contains. It lists only categories and subcategories. To see the products that a category holds go to BO > Catalog > Products and use the drop down FILTER BY CATEGORIES. The enabled categories are not automatically listed into the FO menu. Go to BO > Modules > Installed modules > Main menu click CONFIGURE and choose what links to display. In BO go to edit product and on the Options tab make sure you have checked Available for order. Because you've used Store Manager to create the products it might not have that checked by default as it usually is. If you don't use product combinations, on the edit product page go to tab Quantity and insert a quantity value. If your products have combinations, go to tab Combinations and add for each variation the available quantity. This way the product quantity will be the sum of all variations quantity. Read about creating a product with combinations.
  7. In the main php file of the module (productscategory.php) look after the name of the tpl file that displays the content. It's usually in a function that starts with hookDisplay and looks similar to this: return $this->display(__FILE__, 'filename.tpl', $this->getCacheId('cache-id')); Then you could try to put at the beginning of the function: $this->_clearCache('filename.tpl', 'cache-id'); If it does not have a cache-id, ignore the second parameter.
  8. @endriu107 you are right, it depends on what section the posts are made. I was posting most of the answers in section 1.7.2.x and it seems this section doesn't count posts. It works just fine on other sections. I can understand why on section paid themes & modules posts shouldn't be counted, but I don't see why not in section 1.7.2.x.
  9. By default the number is displayed rounded at 3 decimals. If you really need to change it to display 4 decimals edit ProductShipping.php and add a new parameter for the weight field: 'scale' => 4 Note that it is a core file and your changes will not be preserved after an update.
  10. You can have a disabled language for BO and the enabled one for FO. You need to first disable the language and after that go to your employee profile and change the language to the disabled one.
  11. Sorry to hear that. That error log is not enough information to debug the issue. It sounds like something caused by a 3rd party module or a custom modification. You could try to go to BO > Advanced Parameters > Performance and Disable non PrestaShop modules and Disable all overrides and see if the error is still there afterwords.
  12. It will duplicate your content when you create the second store, but then you can go to the product and edit the content for each store.
  13. You can find that message in your theme files in templates/checkout/_partials/steps/shipping.tpl and templates/customer/_partials/order-messages.tpl
  14. You could modify /src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ProductInformation.php at lines 161 and 165 to change value 6000 into 20000. But note that you are modifying a core file and your changes will not be preserved at version update. The maximum capacity that the product description field can hold in the database is around 65000.
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