Is the first final realease date of 1.7 still in June ?
As said on main thread, there is no needed important feature and no real improvement (sorry but backend Modules isn't used so often by clients) that proves the utility to drive tests and make changes to all shops we manage. Still we will make it, but where is the interest ?
As previously said in this current thread, making huge frontend performance improvement shall be a milestone for new good version.
I mean, there is some things you really can do without spending lots of time :
- Making a static cache by defaut when user are note logged. Exception made of some hooks, lots of modules do that. Which prouves there is something missing.
- Easy DB backup with Prestashop Cloud. Would be a great feature, for ridiculus cost and a great security for shops owners.
- Upgrading Compressors quality and usability (like Autoptimize do it for Wordpress for example).
- PHP 7 real compatibility, forcing owners to switch to this version would be a great things for the future.
- Adding more hooks on key features (Page preloading, Carts update, , we nearly always need an override when we made a module.
- Force native Modules and Legacy code to use Objects and not hardcoded requests.
Sure we can help on this
Still, I think you are doing great, but you need to be more ambitious, or this version will be looked as a minor upgrade.