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  1. Salut, PrestaShop ne dispose pas de fonctionnalité intégrée pour suivre ou afficher directement les produits les plus recherchés, car il se concentre principalement sur le suivi des vues et des ventes. Cependant, PrestaShop inclut un rapport sur les mots clés des moteurs de recherche sous Statistiques > Recherche de boutique. Ce rapport affiche les mots-clés recherchés sur le site et la fréquence à laquelle ils ont été utilisés, ce qui peut donner un aperçu de ce que recherchent les clients. Salutations,
  2. Hi, The area you’re referring to is typically known as the Back Office or Admin Panel in PrestaShop. Specifically, it would be under Catalog > Categories. By default, when you click on a category in this section, it only displays its subcategories and doesn't list the products within that category directly. You can view the products and their categories on the Admin Products Page- Navigate to Catalog > Products. Here, you can filter products by category using the category filter dropdown. This provides a view of all items in a specific category, though it doesn’t allow for easy drag-and-drop management of items within categories. To add or remove products from a category, you’ll need to edit each product individually, which may not be ideal if you want a more streamlined view. Regards
  3. Hi, Try unregistrering the Hook displayAdminOrder of that module and confirm if the error still persists. Regards.
  4. Since you've already updated the collation to utf8mb4_general_ci, make sure that: The encoding of your database, tables, and relevant columns is set to utf8mb4. To ensure this, you can run these commands for each table and column with special characters: ALTER TABLE your_table_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; Make sure that columns containing special characters (like VARCHAR or TEXT types) are also set to utf8mb4 Make sure that columns containing special characters (like VARCHAR or TEXT types) are also set to utf8mb4 In your PHP configuration (php.ini), ensure the default charset is set to utf-8: ini Go to International > Localization in PrestaShop’s BO. Ensure that the default language and localization are set to use UTF-8.
  5. Verifica las restricciones de clave foránea en los registros de los clientes. Busca tablas como ps_orders, ps_cart o ps_customer_address que puedan referenciar el customer_id de los clientes problemáticos. Si encuentras referencias, elimina o reasigna esos registros antes de intentar eliminar los clientes. DELETE FROM ps_customer WHERE id_customer = 'problematic_id'; Intenta ejecutar comandos SQL directamente para eliminar estas entradas si puedes identificarlas por ID o email. Por ejemplo: DELETE FROM ps_customer WHERE id_customer = 'problematic_id';
  6. Find the template file for the complaint form, typically located in the module's views/templates/front/ folder or under the theme’s template files. <div class="form-group"> <label for="purchase_date">Purchase Date</label> <input type="date" id="purchase_date" name="purchase_date" required> </div> Adding required in the HTML will make it mandatory in the front end. In the controller that processes the complaint form submission (usually a ModuleFrontController file in the module folder), add validation for the "Purchase Date" field. if (empty(Tools::getValue('purchase_date'))) { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Purchase Date is required.'); }
  7. Hi, To update the phone number in the contact us form, Go to Shop Parameters -> Contact -> Stores. Screenshot:- https://prnt.sc/P280Nqbayg76 And then scroll down on that page to the Contact Details form. Change the Phone number and save the form. Regards
  8. Hi, To enforce a minimum quantity that increases in specific multiples (e.g., 2, 4, 6) in PrestaShop, you will likely need to adjust the logic in the cart and product controllers, as PrestaShop doesn't support quantity increments natively. You can try modifying the multiple by overriding the cart class. In your custom Cart.php override, add this function to check if the quantity matches the required multiple before it’s added to the cart. public function updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = null, $id_customization = null, $operator = 'up', $id_address_delivery = 0, $shop = null, $auto_add_cart_rule = true) { $multiple = 5; if ($quantity % $multiple != 0) { $quantity = ceil($quantity / $multiple) * $multiple; } return parent::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute, $id_customization, $operator, $id_address_delivery, $shop, $auto_add_cart_rule); } Please modify the above code according to your needs as it might require some modifications. Regards.
  9. Hi, Enable Debug Mode in Advanced Parameters > Performance to see detailed error messages. Conflicts between modules, especially those related to the cart, pricing, or checkout, can often lead to issues with pricing. To identify if a module is causing the issue: 1. Go to Modules > Module Manager in the PrestaShop admin. 2. Look for any third-party or custom modules related to the cart, pricing, or discounts. 3. Temporarily disable these modules one at a time, refreshing the cart page after each one to see if the issue is resolved. 4. Common modules that could cause conflicts include promotional, tax-related, and currency conversion modules. If disabling a particular module resolves the issue, it likely indicates a conflict or bug within that module. Also, open the browser console (F12) to look for JavaScript errors. Regards.
  10. Remplacez le contrôleur de catégories dans PrestaShop pour ajouter une clause de tri personnalisée pour le champ du nom dans la langue par défaut. Vous pouvez remplacer la méthode Category::getCategories() ou modifier la requête SQL utilisée pour récupérer les catégories dans la zone de liste souhaitée. Cette personnalisation garantira que les catégories sont récupérées par ordre alphabétique dans la langue par défaut, quelle que soit la langue actuellement sélectionnée.
  11. Crear una Regla de Carrito Personalizada o Modificar el Cálculo del Carrito Sobrescribir la clase Cart: Puedes sobrescribir la clase Cart en PrestaShop para personalizar la aplicación de descuentos según la cantidad de productos en el carrito. Identifica múltiplos de 50 en la cantidad de cada producto en el carrito. Para cada múltiplo de 50, calcula el descuento del 10%. Aplica el descuento solo a las unidades elegibles (por ejemplo, para 110 unidades, aplica un descuento del 10% a 100 unidades y deja las 10 unidades restantes a precio normal). class Cart extends CartCore { public function getOrderTotal($withTaxes = true, $type = Cart::BOTH) { $total = parent::getOrderTotal($withTaxes, $type); foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) { $quantity = $product['cart_quantity']; $eligibleDiscountUnits = floor($quantity / 50) * 50; $normalPriceUnits = $quantity % 50; $productPrice = $product['price']; $discountedPrice = $productPrice * 0.90; // 10% de descuento // Calcula el total para este producto con la lógica de descuento personalizada $productTotal = ($eligibleDiscountUnits * $discountedPrice) + ($normalPriceUnits * $productPrice); // Ajusta el total del carrito en consecuencia $total += $productTotal - ($product['total_wt']); // Ajustar por la diferencia } return $total; } }
  12. Parece que el botón de REALIZAR PEDIDO probablemente esté encontrando un error de JavaScript o AJAX que impide continuar con el proceso de pedido. Abre las herramientas de desarrollador de tu navegador (generalmente accesibles presionando F12). Ve a la pestaña de Consola, luego actualiza la página e intenta realizar el pedido nuevamente. Busca cualquier error o advertencia de JavaScript que pueda dar pistas sobre qué está impidiendo que el botón funcione. Si has actualizado recientemente el módulo de pago o la plataforma, asegúrate de que el módulo de pago sea compatible con tu versión actual. Si identificas algún error específico en la consola o en los registros, compártelo para que podamos ofrecer soluciones más específicas.
  13. Hi, You need to modify the tpl files one by one related to invoice to remove taxes from it. For ex- Remove the {$tax_tab} code from the pdf/invoice.tpl to remove the seperate taxes table. Modify the pdf/invoice.product-tab.tpl according to your needs to remove the taxation columns from the order products table. And modify the pdf/invoice.total-tab.tpl also to remove taxes from the totals table. Regards.
  14. Hi, The error message in your Klarna logs suggests that the problem lies in a mismatch between the values calculated for the cart's total and the values sent to Klarna. Specifically, the error: Api exception. Message: (Bad value: order_lines[0].total_amount differs from the calculated value [348800] by more than [1]) Check your tax and rounding settings in PrestaShop, clear cache, and verify the Klarna module configuration. If it persists, contact Klarna support or the module developer for a fix. Regards
  15. Hi, This intermittent issue where the "Payment Accepted" status doesn’t consistently display, despite being present in the dropdown and correctly set in the database, can arise due to various factors. 1. Temporarily disable any third-party order or payment-related modules and see if the issue persists. If the issue resolves, reactivate modules one by one to isolate the problematic module. 2. Go to override/classes/OrderHistory.php or any other relevant override files in override and temporarily rename or disable them. Clear cache afterward to see if this resolves the issue. Regards.
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