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About Xpert-Idea

  • Birthday 10/02/1987

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Community Answers

  1. did you check in your email spam folders? If you didn't please check again with you spam folder in your email.
  2. I don't think where is the problem Because it should at least work gmail smtp mailer. I think there it has an issue with your server. So If possible please try another server with moving your same prestashop store.
  3. After changed the URL in the URL & SEO please clear all prestashop and browser cache then check. before changed the URL in the URL & SEO please check the write permission of prestashop root folder for creating or generating .htaccess files.
  4. May be your hosting mail server does not configure. Please contact with hosting server author to check mail server configuration then check what happened?
  5. when you try to go to the product page then what you seen? is it redirect to 404 page or appear internal 500 error?
  6. Please clear your browser all cache or check with another browser. please check your root/app/cache folder or root/translation/ folder write permission. Please set full write permission then import again this language translation pack. Then check again with clear all prestashop and browser cache.
  7. {if isset($newsletter) && $newsletter} <div class="checkbox"> <label for="newsletter"> <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" id="newsletter" value="1" checked="checked" autocomplete="off"/> {l s='Sign up for our newsletter!'}</label> {if array_key_exists('newsletter', $field_required)} <sup> *</sup> {/if} </div> {/if} {if isset($optin) && $optin} <div class="checkbox"> <label for="optin"> <input type="checkbox" name="optin" id="optin" value="1" checked="checked" autocomplete="off"/> {l s='Receive special offers from our partners!'}</label> {if array_key_exists('optin', $field_required)} <sup> *</sup> {/if} </div> {/if} you can try to use this code.
  8. You have to write CSS code by yourself. There it has no options to change color schema by default .
  9. You have to need build module for prestashop 1.6 & prestashop 1.7 separately. You can not merge both version of code with one it.
  10. Your custom JQuery code loaded before JQuery load that why you fetch this issue on console. Please load your custom code after JQuery. You can load your JQuery code using on this hook : "displayBeforeBodyClosingTag". This hook loaded after JQuery so your problem will be solved.
  11. Please check your internet connection. If the connection are okay. You can delete these files: root\config\xml\default_country_modules_list.xml root\config\xml\modules_native_addons.xml oot\config\xml\must_have_modules_list.xml oot\config\xml\tab_modules_list.xml After delete these files please check again with proper internet connection. May be it will be appear. Prestashop 1.7.X version admin modules pages content loading system is very bad.
  12. Please check your internet connection. If the connection are okay. You can delete these files: root\config\xml\default_country_modules_list.xml root\config\xml\modules_native_addons.xml oot\config\xml\must_have_modules_list.xml oot\config\xml\tab_modules_list.xml After delete these files please check again with proper internet connection. May be it will be appear. Prestashop 1.7.X version admin modules pages content loading system is very bad.
  13. After remove did you clear prestashop smarty cache? Please clear prestashop smarty cache. Also clear your browser cache then check.
  14. public function initContent() { // your custom code here ... $this->setTemplate('Mypage'); } do you used $this->setTemplate('Mypage') . Please check..
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