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  1. Thank you for your answer. These are not double accounts for the same user, I have my personal account and premiumpresta is the team account that anyone in my team can use. Also if there's a penalty, shouldn't I have warning points so I can know about it? To me it sounds like a bug, but others don't seem to have it or they don't pay attention to their post counter and aren't aware of it.
  2. Also if you go to the trouble of changing all the links protocol, consider using a relative protocol, in case you would need to move your store on a local development machine to do some testing and you would not have set up SSL. Having links "hard-coded" with https or http will make it difficult to move back and forth between a SSL and non-SSL configuration. Using a relative protocol means that your links start with // and they will default to the protocol used to access the store. Example: old links: http://mystore.com/product new links: //mystore.com/product If store is accessed with https, the new links will also use https, otherwise will use http.
  3. Similar functionality to your examples in PrestaShop is Product Pack. But it will need extensive customization to make it work as in the examples. On addons store there's a module Advanced Pack that might be closer of what you're looking for.
  4. Usually for color variations the attributes are used to make product combinations
  5. I doubt anyone will. But if you're looking for a light theme for 1.6 to build upon check the theme made by community.
  6. Do you ever see other IP for a customer or it's always the same? It could also be a case of bad server configuration where there is a reverse proxy that doesn't pass the user IP forward and instead it passes it's own IP.
  7. From the first screenshot it seems that one of the carts in your store is looking for an address with id 9 that it cannot find. What you could do is to go to your database (using phpmyadmin or anything else) in table ps_cart and look after columns id_address_delivery and id_address_invoice where you can find the id 9 and replace it with 0. Or you could go to table ps_address and create a new address that will have the id 9. If after you do one of the above you still get the error, pay attention to the first line where it says Invalid address #, there might be other addresses missing as well with other ids and you should do the same for those too. As for the Session error, it sounds like a bad server configuration.
  8. Put your background image in your theme assets/img folder (create it if not already there). Then open assets/css/custom.css and add: #wrapper { background-image: url(../img/bkg.jpg); }
  9. Please create a new issue on GitHub or a new ticket on Forge.
  10. For small customizations, you should edit file themes/classic/assets/css/custom.css . To change the background color you could add something like: #wrapper { background: red; } For big customizations, you should use webpack to compile scss files into theme.css .
  11. You mean like the module Category tree links on the category page to have it on the product page?
  12. This sounds like a custom job. I doubt you will find such a specific module.
  13. There seems to be this issue reported http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-1774 but no resolution yet. Give a comment and upvote to redraw the attention to it.
  14. You could add to your img tag class="img-fluid" or edit file themes/classic/assets/css/custom.css and add: #cms img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } This will make all the images in CMS pages to be responsive. More, if you care about serving images optimized for mobile devices dive into https://responsiveimages.org
  15. Module compatibility is lacking for sure, but there is an official PayPal module from version
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