I am using prestahsop version1.7.6.0 and I found that there is translation for email in english only even I am using 2 languages i.e. english and italian. So when I am trying to modify itanlian language for email body translation then it only display me content in english, why so ? Could anyone let me kbow about this ? Am I missing something ? I did same thing in version but getting translation for english as well as for italian language. Please help me on this.
And one more issue in this version that tax is not calculating based on country. I set the 22% for italy but it is showing me for all countries. Please help me for this too.
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I am using prestahsop version1.7.6.0 and I found that there is translation for email in english only even I am using 2 languages i.e. english and italian. So when I am trying to modify itanlian language for email body translation then it only display me content in english, why so ? Could anyone let me kbow about this ? Am I missing something ? I did same thing in version but getting translation for english as well as for italian language. Please help me on this.