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Script/Style Tags on CMS pages - Prestashop 1.7.6

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Hello PS community, 

I'm trying to add script/style tags via text editor but it keeps me throwing this error: "<p> <script>// <![CDATA[ alert(""); // ]]></script> </p>" is invalid." 

I did this in Prestashop 1.6 following Vekia's guide https://mypresta.eu/en/art/prestashop-16/extended-rich-text-editor.html - worked perfectly

For PS 1.7.6 I tried same guide for 1.7 but no success, it only extends text editor in product pages. *

Do you guys know any aproach to solve this problem ? 


* I know that he is doing a guide for 1.7.6 but in the meantime I need to get this working, I need to add custom javascript/css on CMS pages.

* Credits to Vekia. 

Thank you in advance. 






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1 hour ago, Rolige said:


PS clean HTML content before save in CMS pages. You need to include your CSS lines on a CSS file of your theme (not inline) to get it work.


Hello Rolige, 

I solved it by using TinyMCE pro module from MYPresta, modifying isCleanHTML() function in classes/Validate.php isn't enough, I think PS uses something via JS before entering that function.

You need to include your CSS lines on a CSS file of your theme (not inline) to get it work.

-> Yes, I'm trying to do a workaround... I'd like to have specific css for each CMS page so I don't have to load it everytime I visit other pages on the site. 

Thank you for your answer.






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Hi there,


As many other applications prestashop check html content and clean it...

BUT, only in back-office editors, if you are a sole editor of custom content you may use any html editor for your content and add it directly in mysql records of ps_cms_lang  

you will need to remove overwrite permission for prestashop user ( to prevent code cleaning if accidentally open for editing that pages in back-office editor) and always modify directly in DB record.

I used this method to add image maps in CMS pages and small css...

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