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Unable to add translations to own module


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I'm trying to translate a module that I've written. It's called product overview. It's a quite simple module which just displays the main products in a hook on the homepage, so no big magic. I'd like to translate the module through the prestashop translation system. Therefore I've added the line "{l s='More than just a Grill' d='Modules.Productoverview'}" into my module. Before that I've tried the 1.6 version "{l s='Mehr als nur ein Grill' mod='Productoverview'}".

I'm using Prestashop right now.

When I go to International > Translations > Modify Translations and select Installed module translations, then select my module Product Overview Choose a language, i.e. English GB and hit the Modify button I would expect prestashop to scan the modules template files, check for the {l s="..."} statements and provide a list with the strings that can be translated. Am I right until this point? If not, where am I able to let prestashop know that there is a new module with new translatable strings?
What I see then Is the page that says: "Expressions to translate: 0" So no translateable strings could be found.

I would really appreciate it if somebody could explain how I can finally translate my module.



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I found the solution. The mod="" parameter is somehow complex, because the documentation is not clear about what needs to go in there. Once I started to put the exact module name in there like "ps_productoverview" the translation page finds the translatable strings on its own and you're able to start translating the module.


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