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How to bulk upload 'downloadable products'

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i am using the current version and am trying to bulk upload my products, however my shop sells only downloadable products. i know/can see the field to state the image url but not sure how i would include the the path of my downloadable product.

any pointers are appreciated...

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we got a same problem, it would be nice to use csv to import also virtual products! Or some kind of a program... (the main problem is creating that hash value while bulk importing...)

This import should be possible to put on background. For example 1000 products each 10 megs... thats 10gig to download, check and create those hash values..

Eitherway virtual goods should be possible to spread in different servers, possibly all over the world...

And hey why the files are renamed, why the hash value is not in the database? Security you say next, but when you use php to send those files and .htaccess to protect those files it is quite secure enought atleast in most cases.

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  • 5 months later...

Thus "bulk upload of virtual products" seems to be quite a big issue for some peopel so if any of the team members/prestashop guys can give us some poitners of how we may work around this . we all would be greatful....

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