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How to add a form select registration page


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 * 2007-2018 PrestaShop
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 * @author    PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
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use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;

class CustomerFormatterCore implements FormFormatterInterface
    private $translator;
    private $language;

    private $ask_for_birthdate              = true;
    private $ask_for_partner_optin          = true;
    private $partner_optin_is_required      = true;
    private $ask_for_password               = true;
    private $password_is_required           = true;
    private $ask_for_new_password           = false;

    public function __construct(
        TranslatorInterface $translator,
        Language $language
    ) {
        $this->translator = $translator;
        $this->language = $language;

    public function setAskForBirthdate($ask_for_birthdate)
        $this->ask_for_birthdate = $ask_for_birthdate;
        return $this;

    public function setAskForPartnerOptin($ask_for_partner_optin)
        $this->ask_for_partner_optin = $ask_for_partner_optin;
        return $this;

    public function setPartnerOptinRequired($partner_optin_is_required)
        $this->partner_optin_is_required = $partner_optin_is_required;
        return $this;

    public function setAskForPassword($ask_for_password)
        $this->ask_for_password = $ask_for_password;
        return $this;

    public function setAskForNewPassword($ask_for_new_password)
        $this->ask_for_new_password = $ask_for_new_password;
        return $this;

    public function setPasswordRequired($password_is_required)
        $this->password_is_required = $password_is_required;
        return $this;

    public function getFormat()
        $format = [];

        $format['id_customer'] = (new FormField)
		$format['nombre_negocio'] = (new FormField)
			'Nombre del Negocio', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'
		$format['firstname'] = (new FormField)
                    'Nombre de contacto', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'
		$format['atendido'] = (new FormField)
				'Atendido por', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'

        $genderField = (new FormField)
                    'Social title', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'
        foreach (Gender::getGenders($this->language->id) as $gender) {
            $genderField->addAvailableValue($gender->id, $gender->name);


        $format['lastname'] = (new FormField)
                    'Last name', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'

        if (Configuration::get('PS_B2B_ENABLE')) {
            $format['company'] = (new FormField)
                    'Company', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'

        $format['email'] = (new FormField)
                    'Correo Electronico', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'
		$format['tlf_movil'] = (new FormField)
				'Telefono Movil', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'
		  $format['recomendado'] = (new FormField)
                        'Recomendado', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;
		 $format['google'] = (new FormField)
                        'Google', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;
		$format['facebook'] = (new FormField)
                        'Facebook', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;
		$format['folleto'] = (new FormField)
                        'Buzoneo', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;
		$format['telemarketing'] = (new FormField)
                        'Telemarketing', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;
		$format['visita'] = (new FormField)
                        'Visita', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;
		$format['violocal'] = (new FormField)
                        'Vio el local', [], 'Shop.Theme.Customeraccount'
                ) ;

		$format['tlf_fijo'] = (new FormField)
				'Telefono Fijo', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'
		$format['direccion_negocio'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Direccion del Negocio', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['codigo_postal_negocio'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Codigo posta del Negocio', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['localidad_negocio'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Localidad del Negocio', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['provincia_negocio'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Provincia del Negocio', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['contacto1'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Contacto 2', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['telefono1'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Telefono 2', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['mail1'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Correo Electronico 2', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));

        if ($this->ask_for_password) {
            $format['password'] = (new FormField)
                        'Password', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'

        if ($this->ask_for_new_password) {
			$format['rason_social'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Razón social', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['cif'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('CIF', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['direccion_fiscal'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Direccion Fiscal', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['codigo_postal_fiscal'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Codigo postal Fiscal', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['localidad_fiscal'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Localidad Fiscal', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['provincia_fiscal'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Provincia Fiscal', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['contacto2'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Contacto 3', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['telefono2'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Telefono 3', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['mail2'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Email 3', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['contacto3'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Contacto 4', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['telefono3'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Telefono 4', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['mail3'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Email 4', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['contacto4'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Contacto 5', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['telefono4'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Telefono 5', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['mail4'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Email 5', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));	
		$format['contacto5'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Contacto 6', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['telefono5'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Telefono 6', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
		$format['mail5'] = (new FormField)
			->setLabel($this->translator->trans('Email 6', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'));
            $format['new_password'] = (new FormField)
                        'New password', [], 'Shop.Forms.Labels'


        // ToDo, replace the hook exec with HookFinder when the associated PR will be merged
        $additionalCustomerFormFields = Hook::exec('additionalCustomerFormFields', array(), null, true);

        // TODO: TVA etc.?

        return $this->addConstraints($format);

    private function addConstraints(array $format)
        $constraints = Customer::$definition['fields'];

        foreach ($format as $field) {
            if (!empty($constraints[$field->getName()]['validate'])) {

        return $format;


Edited by jaimesks (see edit history)
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