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Different invoice text depending on payment method


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our clients can pay by paypal, bank transfer or pick up the goods at store.

We need the text showing up on the invoice template, depending on which payment option the customer elects to use, to state clear:

The payment by paypal has been received (goods ready to ship or pick up)


Cash payment at store location


Bank wire transfer is awaited within 10 days (goods will be shipped after payment arrives)

Pestashop version is

I'm not sure if this is possible from PS itself or do we need a specific module?

Thanks, Kris

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Anyone? Please, I'd be really helpfull to know how to do that. We invested already in a couple modules, I'd find it very sad to have to look at other shop systems because of one missing feature...

Was my explanation confusing? I'll try another approach:

If the customer pays by paypal, the invoice should state that he did it. If the customer wishes to pay later, the invoice should say when the payment is du (i.e. in 10 days)

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Hey Krisomeno,

yes you can place some conditions in invoice template...in invoice.tpl should work .....ex:

{if $payment->payment_method === 'Paypal'}

<table style="width: 100%">
        <td style="width: 15%">{l s='Paypal' pdf='true'}</td>
        <td style="width: 85%">{l s='Customer already paid etc etc...your text here' pdf='true'}</td>



{if $payment->payment_method === 'Pickup'}

<table style="width: 100%">
        <td style="width: 15%">{l s='Pickup at store' pdf='true'}</td>
        <td style="width: 85%">{l s='Another different text here' pdf='true'}</td>


you can also to print the total paid incl tax if you want ...inlcude this where you want and you get the price paid


I hope you solve this


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  • razaro changed the title to Different invoice text depending on payment method

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