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Error 500 in Backoffice Prestashop


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Hello good morning my librephonia.com website is giving me a 500 error when trying to access the backoffice (The frontend looks good always, never fails).

The server returns this error: PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class AppKernel in /srv/neoatica/hosting/00000075/librephonia.com/web/www/app/AppKernel.php on line 0

We have tried everything by uninstalling module, deleting caches etc ... and the only thing that works is restarting Apache. As soon as we restart the web server we can re-enter the backoffice without problems.

Here I leave the server data:

Linux Server Information # 1 SMP Debian 4.9.88-1 + deb9u1 ~ bpo8 + 1 (2018-05-13) x86_64

Server software version: Apache PHP version: 5.6.40-0 + deb8u4

Memory limit: 150M

Max. Execution: 30 Max

size for file upload: 16M

Can somebody help me? I've been looking for information for months and asking in forums and nobody hits the key. Any ideas?

Thank you very much to all

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