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PS 1.6 microdata in product-list.tpl why?


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I think it can be there and can apply to many html elements on a page  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/itemprop


The itemprop global attribute is used to add properties to an item. Every HTML element can have an itemprop attribute specified, and an itemprop consists of a name-value pair. Each name-value pair is called a property, and a group of one or more properties forms an item. Property values are either a string or a URL and can be associated with a very wide range of elements including <audio>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <link>, <object>, <source> , <track>, and <video>.

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I think that the offer is only the one on the product page, any repetition of the same can only create confusion and will be harmful for SEO purposes.

When a user searches for a product that I sell, I want the search engine to bring he to the product page, not to any page where that product was listed and maybe now doesn't contain it anymore.

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