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Shipped product or download

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I was hoping someone out there could give me any suggestions about how to add an option for a downloadable ebook or shipped physical book? What i want is to add a product and give the two options so a customer can either purchase the download book or purchase the real hard cover? Any ideas how to do this? thanks

Additionally can i set to only ship in the USA and still be able to sell downloads around the world?

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I think you can use attribute combination.

first set the product as downloadable
then add an attribute With CD with price increase

if customer select with CD, he/she still will be able to download, also get CD.
(I think it is reasonable, that is he/she buys CD, eh/she also should be able to download)

just and idea, its up to you.

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Well thank for the reply and its a good idea if you want to sell them both. But i have a book i want to sell and what i am looking to do it give the customer the option of buying the hard cover version or a downloadable ebook. Is this possible ? one or the other

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Yes so, I figured it out and yes you create it with the attribute then add a cobination of what you would like for that product I wanted it os that there was different versions at different prices and it worked out well thanks!

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