Bon j'ai essayer de créer un FrontController dans controllers/front en l'appellant validation. php et ayant le code suivant :
class ClicandpayValidationModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { /** * @see FrontController::postProcess() */ public function postProcess() { /* module logger object */ $logger = ClicandpayTools::getLogger(); $save_on_failure = true; if (ClicandpayTools::checkRestIpnValidity()) { $test_mode = Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_MODE') === 'TEST'; $sha_key = $test_mode ? Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_STD_PRIVKEY_TEST') : Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_STD_PRIVKEY_PROD'); /* use direct post content to avoid stipslashes from json data */ $data = $_POST; if (!ClicandpayTools::checkHash($data, $sha_key)) { $ip = Tools::getRemoteAddr(); $logger->logError("{$ip} tries to access validation.php page without valid signature with data: " . print_r($data, true)); die('<span style="display:none">KO-An error occurred while computing the signature.' . "\n" . '</span>'); } $answer = json_decode($data['kr-answer'], true); if (!is_array($answer)) { $logger->logError('Invalid REST IPN request received. Content of kr-answer: ' . $data['kr-answer']); die('<span style="display:none">KO-Invalid IPN request received.' . "\n" . '</span>'); } $save_on_failure &= isset($answer['orderCycle']) && ($answer['orderCycle'] === 'CLOSED'); /* wrap payment result to use traditional order creation tunnel */ $data = ClicandpayTools::convertRestResult($answer); $cart_id = (int) $data['vads_order_id']; /* shopping cart object */ $cart = new Cart($cart_id); require_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'clicandpay/classes/ClicandpayResponse.php'; /* patch for unrecieved metadata field */ if (!isset($data['vads_order_info'])) { $payment = new ClicandpayStandardPayment(); $data['vads_order_info'] = $payment->getTitle($cart->id_lang); } /** @var ClicandpayResponse $response */ $response = new ClicandpayResponse($data, null, null, null); } elseif (ClicandpayTools::checkFormIpnValidity()) { $cart_id = (int) Tools::getValue('vads_order_id'); /* shopping cart object */ $cart = new Cart($cart_id); require_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'clicandpay/classes/ClicandpayResponse.php'; /** @var ClicandpayResponse $response */ $response = new ClicandpayResponse( $_POST, Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_MODE'), Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_KEY_TEST'), Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_KEY_PROD'), Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_SIGN_ALGO') ); /* check the authenticity of the request */ if (!$response->isAuthentified()) { $ip = Tools::getRemoteAddr(); $logger->logError("{$ip} tries to access validation.php page without valid signature with data: " . print_r($_POST, true)); $logger->logError('Signature algorithm selected in module settings must be the same as one selected in gateway Back Office.'); die($response->getOutputForGateway('auth_fail')); } } else { $logger->logError('Invalid IPN request received. Content: ' . print_r($_POST, true)); die('<span style="display:none">KO-Invalid IPN request received.' . "\n" . '</span>'); } $logger->logInfo("Server call process starts for cart #$cart_id."); /* cart errors */ if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($cart)) { $logger->logError("Cart #$cart_id not found in database."); die('<span style="display:none">KO-Order not found.' . "\n" . '</span>'); } elseif ($cart->nbProducts() <= 0) { $logger->logError("Cart #$cart_id was emptied before redirection."); die('<span style="display:none">KO-Empty cart detected before order processing.' . "\n" . '</span>'); } /* rebuild context */ if (isset($cart->id_shop)) { $_GET['id_shop'] = $cart->id_shop; Context::getContext()->shop = Shop::initialize(); } Context::getContext()->customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer); Context::getContext()->customer->logged = 1; Context::getContext()->cart = $cart = new Cart((int) $cart_id); // reload cart to take into account customer group $address = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice); Context::getContext()->country = new Country((int) $address->id_country); Context::getContext()->language = new Language((int) $cart->id_lang); Context::getContext()->currency = new Currency((int) $cart->id_currency); Context::getContext()->link = new Link(); /* module main object */ $clicandpay = new Clicandpay(); /* search order in db */ $order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId($cart_id); if ($order_id === false) { /* order has not been processed yet */ $new_state = (int) Clicandpay::nextOrderState($response); if ($response->isAcceptedPayment()) { $logger->logInfo("Payment accepted for cart #$cart_id. New order state is $new_state."); $order = $clicandpay->saveOrder($cart, $new_state, $response); if (Clicandpay::hasAmountError($order)) { /* amount paid not equals initial amount. */ $msg = "Error: amount paid {$order->total_paid_real} is not equal to initial amount {$order->total_paid}."; $msg .= " Order is in a failed state, cart #$cart_id."; $logger->logWarning($msg); die($response->getOutputForGateway('ko', 'Total paid is different from order amount.')); } else { /* response to server */ die($response->getOutputForGateway('payment_ok')); } } else { /* payment KO */ $logger->logInfo("Payment failed for cart #$cart_id."); $save_on_failure &= (Configuration::get('CLICANDPAY_FAILURE_MANAGEMENT') === ClicandpayTools::ON_FAILURE_SAVE); if ($save_on_failure || Clicandpay::isOney($response)) { /* save on failure option is selected or Oney payment */ $msg = Clicandpay::isOney($response) ? 'FacilyPay Oney payment' : 'Save on failure option is selected'; $logger->logInfo("$msg : save failed order for cart #$cart_id. New order state is $new_state."); $order = $clicandpay->saveOrder($cart, $new_state, $response); die($response->getOutputForGateway('payment_ko')); } else { die($response->getOutputForGateway('payment_ko_bis')); } } } else { /* order already registered */ $logger->logInfo("Order #$order_id already registered for cart #$cart_id."); $order = new Order((int) $order_id); $old_state = (int) $order->getCurrentState(); $logger->logInfo("The current state for order corresponding to cart #$cart_id is ($old_state)."); /* check if a total refund of order was made */ $total_refund = false; if ($response->get('operation_type') === 'CREDIT') { $currency = ClicandpayApi::findCurrency($response->get('currency')); $decimals = $currency->getDecimals(); $paid_total = $currency->convertAmountToFloat($response->get('amount')); if (number_format($order->total_paid_real, $decimals) === number_format($paid_total, $decimals)) { $total_refund = true; } } $outofstock = Clicandpay::isOutOfStock($order); $new_state = (int) Clicandpay::nextOrderState($response, $total_refund, $outofstock); /* final states */ $consistent_states = array( 'PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_PAID', // override paid state since PrestaShop 1.6.1 'CLICANDPAY_OS_PAYMENT_OUTOFSTOCK', // paid state for PrestaShop < 1.6.1 'PS_OS_PAYMENT', 'CLICANDPAY_OS_TRANS_PENDING', 'PS_OS_REFUND', 'PS_OS_CANCELED', ); /* if the payment is not the first in sequence, do not update order state */ $first_payment = ($response->get('sequence_number') === '1') || !$response->get('sequence_number'); if (($old_state === $new_state) || !$first_payment) { /* no changes, just display a confirmation message */ $logger->logInfo("No state change for order associated with cart #$cart_id, order remains in state ({$old_state})."); $clicandpay->savePayment($order, $response); $clicandpay->createMessage($order, $response); if ($response->isAcceptedPayment()) { $msg = 'payment_ok_already_done'; } else { $msg = 'payment_ko_already_done'; } die($response->getOutputForGateway($msg)); } elseif (Clicandpay::isPaidOrder($order) && (!Clicandpay::isStateInArray($new_state, $consistent_states) || ($response->get('url_check_src') === 'PAY'))) { /* order cannot move from final paid state to not completed states */ $logger->logInfo("Order is successfully registered for cart #$cart_id but platform returns a payment error, transaction status is {$response->getTransStatus()}."); die($response->getOutputForGateway('payment_ko_on_order_ok')); } elseif (!$old_state || Clicandpay::isStateInArray($old_state, Clicandpay::getManagedStates())) { if (($old_state === Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR')) && $response->isAcceptedPayment() && Clicandpay::hasAmountError($order)) { /* amount paid not equals initial amount. */ $msg = "Error: amount paid {$order->total_paid_real} is not equal to initial amount {$order->total_paid}."; $msg .= " Order is in a failed state, cart #$cart_id."; $logger->logWarning($msg); die($response->getOutputForGateway('ko', 'Total paid is different from order amount.')); } if (!$old_state) { $logger->logWarning("Current order state for cart #$cart_id is empty! Something went wrong. Try to set it anyway."); } $clicandpay->setOrderState($order, $new_state, $response); $logger->logInfo("Order is successfully updated for cart #$cart_id."); die($response->getOutputForGateway($response->isAcceptedPayment() ? 'payment_ok' : 'payment_ko')); } else { $logger->logWarning("Unknown order state ID ($old_state) for cart #$cart_id. Managed by merchant."); die($response->getOutputForGateway('ok', 'Unknown order status.')); } } } }
En fait j'ai repris le code présent dans mon validation.php à la racine du module et je l'ai mis dans la méthode postProcess. J'ai fait ca parce que dans le module prestashop ps_wirepayment c'est un peu dans ce style la le code de validation.php à la racinne du module est repris dans le front controller validation qu'il nomme le nom du moduleValidationModuleFrontController
J'ai aussi ajouter dans le constructeur de la class main de mon module le nouveau frontcontroller
$this->controllers = array(..... 'validation');
Et bien malgré cela j'ai strictement les meme erreur à savoir que le paiement se fait bien mais la commande dans le BO n'a pas de status et j'ai une erreur de notification de retour de paiement sur le backoffice de mon module de paiement.
Les log sont aussi identique.
Donc soit j'ai oublié quelquechose soit ce n'est pas le seul pb qu'il y a concernant ce problème de paiement.
Bon j'ai tenté d'expliquer en anglais ma démarche sur le topic de bug prestashop du github :
En espérant que je me fasse comprendre.