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Mail allerts installed, but order confirm didn't send

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Hello guys!

I've faced with the following problem:

Prestashop:  ver. (I've got my own dedicated server). 

I've installed Mail alerts without problem - according to this link - https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/10174 (3.7.0)

User invoice emails sending good. 

Admin orders notifications don't work. 

I tried version Mail alert v3.6.0 - all the same problem - Module is installed and operated - but didn't send Store Admin order notifications.

Test email sends good (I tried 2 modes: PHP, SMTP without problem). 

Could you help, what am I doing wrong? :-((

How to debug this issue? 

I tried to set debug mode - no additional info according to this problem.

Those versions were tested -  https://github.com/PrestaShop/mailalerts/releases no admin order notification. 😞 

Thanks in advance for your help! 🙂 

Screenshot of Module folder - 





Edited by kibiribi (see edit history)
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Hi Sergiy,

PS 1.7.x has some problems with rights. Try to change the rights for the module. Which php-version are you using ?

Best regards


BTW: there is one post for your support here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/995955-products-not-showing-on-website-after-importing-from-store-manager/?do=findComment&comment=3134652


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18 hours ago, selectshop.at said:

Hi Sergiy,

PS 1.7.x has some problems with rights. Try to change the rights for the module. Which php-version are you using ?

Best regards


BTW: there is one post for your support here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/995955-products-not-showing-on-website-after-importing-from-store-manager/?do=findComment&comment=3134652


I've changed all files for module = 777 - order goes smoothly - there are no 500 errors,  warning messages - but order notification didn't send to email.

I've tried to change admin emails and domains (and Gmail too). Spam folder doesn't have order notification. But user order confirmation sent well. 

Any ideas on how to debug order notification for admin ? 😞




Edited by kibiribi (see edit history)
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2 minutes ago, selectshop.at said:

Ok. seems to be a new bug, because there were made changes on code exact on this feature. Did you also added the problem to github ?

not yet, but I can provide all the test information 🙂

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15 hours ago, Martijn++ said:

Take a look into the module's mails directory. If there is no folder for your own shop language then create one and copy the mails from the directory en into this folder. This should solve the problem.

Thanks!  you are really right. It works!!

The problem was that I have RU-lang PrestaShop but MailAlerts module was in English. 

So all settings (back-end and server was ok) but this module couldn't find Prestashop back-end default language (in my case it was Russian). I've created folder ru, and copied English files to this folder and translated to Russian. Order notifications were run without problem 


This is real BUG from the side of PrestaShop Module.  Why? 

Module didn't give me warning, messages about  "No current language was found" or warning on Module page settings about missing language. 

Thank you all for the tips! 🙂 The problem is closed! 


Edited by kibiribi (see edit history)
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On 7/12/2019 at 4:31 AM, selectshop.at said:

Hi Sergiy,

PS 1.7.x has some problems with rights. Try to change the rights for the module. Which php-version are you using ?

Best regards


BTW: there is one post for your support here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/995955-products-not-showing-on-website-after-importing-from-store-manager/?do=findComment&comment=313465210.0.0.1



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