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Email Setup not working Prestashop 1.7X

Naeem Bashir

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I am going through an issue and tried too many solution available over the internet and the forum but nothing is working.

When ever order is created, email do not works. rather its gives 500 internal error. when I disable the email option, order works fine but auto email don't.

Test email works fine and received as well.

I am hosting @Go Daddy 

domain name: banobazaar.com

email: order@ banobazaar.com

Need urgent support please.



Naeem Bashir



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(1/1) UndefinedFunctionException

Attempted to call function "idn_to_ascii" from the global namespace.

in Mail.php line 893

at MailCore::toPunycode('[email protected]')in Mail.php line 317

at MailCore::send(1, 'new_order', 'New order : #61 - URVVZIJQU', array('{firstname}' => 'Adnan', '{lastname}' => 'Qaiser', '{email}' => '[email protected]', '{delivery_block_txt}' => 'Adnan Qaiser121 abc society54400 LahorePakistan+923218181010', '{invoice_block_txt}' => 'Adnan Qaiser121 abc society54400 LahorePakistan+923218181010', '{delivery_block_html}' => '<span style="color:#db3484; font-weight:bold;">Adnan</span> <span style="color:#db3484; font-weight:bold;">Qaiser</span><br />121 abc society<br />54400 Lahore<br />Pakistan<br />+923218181010', '{invoice_block_html}' => '<span style="color:#db3484; font-weight:bold;">Adnan</span> <span style="color:#db3484; font-weight:bold;">Qaiser</span><br />121 abc society<br />54400 Lahore<br />Pakistan<br />+923218181010', '{delivery_company}' => '', '{delivery_firstname}' => 'Adnan', '{delivery_lastname}' => 'Qaiser', '{delivery_address1}' => '121 abc society', '{delivery_address2}' => '', '{delivery_city}' => 'Lahore', '{delivery_postal_code}' => '54400', '{delivery_country}' => 'Pakistan', '{delivery_state}' => '', '{delivery_phone}' => '+923218181010', '{delivery_other}' => '', '{invoice_company}' => '', '{invoice_firstname}' => 'Adnan', '{invoice_lastname}' => 'Qaiser', '{invoice_address2}' => '', '{invoice_address1}' => '121 abc society', '{invoice_city}' => 'Lahore', '{invoice_postal_code}' => '54400', '{invoice_country}' => 'Pakistan', '{invoice_state}' => '', '{invoice_phone}' => '+923218181010', '{invoice_other}' => '', '{order_name}' => 'URVVZIJQU', '{order_status}' => 'Processing in progress', '{shop_name}' => 'Online Shopping Stores - Bano Bazaar', '{date}' => '07/09/2019', '{carrier}' => 'Cash On Delivery (BB-CoD)', '{payment}' => 'Cash on delivery (COD)', '{items}' => '<tr style="background-color:#EBECEE;"> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;"></td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;"> <strong><a href="http://banobazaar.com/en/women/41-tops-.html">Tops</a></strong> </td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:right;">PKR500.00</td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:center;">2</td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:right;">PKR1,000.00</td> </tr>', '{total_paid}' => 'PKR1,000.00', '{total_products}' => 'PKR1,000.00', '{total_discounts}' => 'PKR0.00', '{total_shipping}' => 'PKR0.00', '{total_tax_paid}' => 'PKR0.00', '{total_wrapping}' => 'PKR0.00', '{currency}' => 'Rs', '{gift}' => false, '{gift_message}' => '', '{message}' => 'No message'), '[email protected]', '', '[email protected]', 'Online Shopping Stores - Bano Bazaar', null, null, '/home/banonmjc/public_html/modules/ps_emailalerts/mails/', null, 1)in ps_emailalerts.php line 471

at Ps_EmailAlerts->hookActionValidateOrder(array('cart' => object(Cart), 'order' => object(Order), 'customer' => object(Customer), 'currency' => object(Currency), 'orderStatus' => object(OrderState), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'altern' => 2))in Hook.php line 966

at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(Ps_EmailAlerts), 'hookactionValidateOrder', array('cart' => object(Cart), 'order' => object(Order), 'customer' => object(Customer), 'currency' => object(Currency), 'orderStatus' => object(OrderState), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'altern' => 2))in Hook.php line 351

at HookCore::callHookOn(object(Ps_EmailAlerts), 'actionValidateOrder', array('cart' => object(Cart), 'order' => object(Order), 'customer' => object(Customer), 'currency' => object(Currency), 'orderStatus' => object(OrderState), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'altern' => 2))in Hook.php line 903

at HookCore::exec('actionValidateOrder', array('cart' => object(Cart), 'order' => object(Order), 'customer' => object(Customer), 'currency' => object(Currency), 'orderStatus' => object(OrderState), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'altern' => 2))in PaymentModule.php line 730

at PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder(63, '3', 1000.0, 'Cash on delivery (COD)', null, array(), null, false, 'daf647d11495eb7f66b5933aa509bbcd')in validation.php line 57

at Ps_CashondeliveryValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess()in Controller.php line 270

at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 511

at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28


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