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Module, hook, function ...?

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Hi there.

I am a bit lost in the Prestashop 1.6 website I have to modify.

I have a old module (done by someone else..) that calculates and displays a specific result for a few products on home page.
I would like to use that module but to get the result in product-list.
Not clear isn't it...

For each product displayed in product-list, I woudl like to pass the product id to a function (or hook...) in that module, which make the caluclation and send me back the result (no need to use smarty variable, isn't it ?).
Don't know if I have to use a new hook in my module, but it is no matter of display or action, just a calculation.

I read a lot of tutos but can't find help.

Thanks for your time.

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Thank you @joseantgv.

The fucntion is 2 lines code

$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct($params['id_product']);
			$productsMP3Info[$params['id_product']] = md5("aqf15ergh15g1serg3q5eg1qe56rg1".ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($hashfilename)."cmszdf289r1h152fr481z15g12g");

So I want to use that code from product-list for each product displayed.

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I created a hook function in my module

function hookLibreecoute($params)
			$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct($params['id_product']);
			$productsMP3Info[$params['id_product']] = md5("aqf15ergh15g1serg3q5eg1qe56rg1".ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($hashfilename)."cmszdf289r1h152fr481z15g12g");
			$smarty->assign(array('productsMP3Info' => $productsMP3Info));


Do I have to set a line of code with return instruction ?

And how can I call it in my tpl product -list file?
With product as params for the function...

Edited by Pat_07 (see edit history)
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If you create a new hook, you have to insert it to template file.

What @joseantgv was saying is i guess: Open up product-list.tpl file, look for hooks there. For example displayProductListFunctionalButtons.

If none of these hooks are in the position you are after, you have to insert your hook ( libreecoute ) where you need to display custom information.

You can also see how you can pass product as parameter

Edited by Kert L (see edit history)
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hace 44 minutos, Pat_07 dijo:

I created a hook function in my module

function hookLibreecoute($params)
			$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct($params['id_product']);
			$productsMP3Info[$params['id_product']] = md5("aqf15ergh15g1serg3q5eg1qe56rg1".ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($hashfilename)."cmszdf289r1h152fr481z15g12g");
			$smarty->assign(array('productsMP3Info' => $productsMP3Info));


Do I have to set a line of code with return instruction ?

And how can I call it in my tpl product -list file?
With product as params for the function...

The function should return a value, not assign to smarty object.

In this case you need to add the hook in the template:

{hook h='libreecoute' product=$product}

and get the product in the PHP function with:


You also need to create this hook in database and hook your module in the position.

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Thanks @Kert L and @joseantgv

So I called the hook from product-list with {hook h='libreecoute' product=$product}
Howerer I didn't unerstand how to use the parameter in the new hook in php file.

what I need in my new hook is the Id of a product.

so my call should not be somethign like {hook h='libreecoute' myvariable=$product[id-product]} ?

And inside the php file I don't know how to use the parameter ($params ?) or do I need to use a smarty variable to pass it?

function hookLibreecoute($params)
$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct(myvariable);


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32 minutes ago, Pat_07 said:

Thanks @Kert L and @joseantgv

So I called the hook from product-list with {hook h='libreecoute' product=$product}
Howerer I didn't unerstand how to use the parameter in the new hook in php file.

what I need in my new hook is the Id of a product.

so my call should not be somethign like {hook h='libreecoute' myvariable=$product[id-product]} ?

And inside the php file I don't know how to use the parameter ($params ?) or do I need to use a smarty variable to pass it?

function hookLibreecoute($params)
$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct(myvariable);


$params is an array of parameters. If execute hook in template then "myvariable" will be accessable as $params['myvariable'].

It's okay to pass just $product and then access its id as $params['myvariable']['id_product']
( if $product is array )

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Thank you @Kert L!

In my function hook I should not set a return line?

or do I use a smarty variable to get the result?

function hookLibreecoute($params)
			$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct($params['product']['id_product']);
			$productsMP3Info[$params['product']['id_product']] = md5("aqf15ergh15g1serg3q5eg1qe56rg1".ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($hashfilename)."cmszdf289r1h152fr481z15g12g");
			$smarty->assign(array('productsMP3Info' => $productsMP3Info));

I don't understand if I need to use a smarty variable or can I just use something like that

return md5("aqf15ergh15g1serg3q5eg1qe56rg1".ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($hashfilename)."cmszdf289r1h152fr481z15g12g");

Then in my product-list.tpl I just call the hook that way ?

{hook h='libreecoute' mod='mymoule' product=$product}

but I don't understand how to use the result in tpl file.

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If you just want to display the hook result, in your case the "productsMP3Info" then yes just return in your hook function


function hookLibreecoute($params)
			$hashfilename = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct($params['product']['id_product']);
			$productsMP3Info[$params['product']['id_product']] = md5("aqf15ergh15g1serg3q5eg1qe56rg1".ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($hashfilename)."cmszdf289r1h152fr481z15g12g");
			//$smarty->assign(array('productsMP3Info' => $productsMP3Info));

			return $productsMP3Info;

In template place 

{hook h='libreecoute' mod='mymoule' product=$product}

After that, where ever your hook is, its output will be the "$productsMP3Info"

This should do for your case.

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Sorry I solved the error !!!
I get back a array rather than just one element.

However I have a syntax problem in tpl.
The hook return me the name of the file but I don't know how to add it to a code part

{include file="mp3player.tpl"
mp3width='175' mp3height='20'}

how can I replace the_return_value_from_my_hook with {hook h='libreecoute' mod='mymoule' product=$product} ???

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Do you have custom template mp3player.tpl?

I think the best way to solve this is to return html from the hook

function hookLibreecoute($params)
	return $this->context->smarty->fetch(YOUR_TEMPLATE);

YOUR_VARIABLES = Whatever variables you use in your template

YOUR_TEMPLATE = mp3player.tpl

Then in your product template when you call the hook, you already return the HTML from mp3player.tpl


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Hi there.

Just to tell I didn't know how to use fetch so I found another way.
Actually I created the whole url with all parameters in my hook and I return it.

It wa seasier and it worked.

Thanks all for your help.

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