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[8] Undefined index: settings tmmegamenu/classes/MegaMenu.php

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actualice a la version y el modulo megamenu empezo a dar este warning en mega menu., pero el problema es que el menu desde el celular NO funciona 馃槶

Notice on line 542 en archivo /home/agui4zul7icio/public_html/catalogo/modules/tmmegamenu/classes/MegaMenu.php
[8] Undefined index: settings聽

聽聽聽 /*****
聽聽 聽******聽聽 聽Get menu tab by id
聽聽 聽******聽聽 聽$id_tab = tab id
聽聽 聽******聽聽 聽$menu_type = is mega or simple menu (default = 0(simple))
聽聽 聽******聽聽 聽$active = get only active items (default false)
聽聽 聽******聽聽 聽return all settings for item
聽聽 聽*****/
聽聽 聽public function getMenuItem($id_tab, $menu_type = 0, $active = false)
聽聽 聽{
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$query = '';
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽if ($active)
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽{
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽if ($menu_type)
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$option = 'is_mega';
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽else
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$option = 'is_simple';
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$query = 'AND `'.$option.'` = 1';

聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$sql = 'SELECT *
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'tmmegamenu
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽WHERE `id_shop` ='.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id.'
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽AND `id_item` = '.$id_tab.'
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽'.$query;

聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽if (!Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql))
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽return false;
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽}
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$sql = 'SELECT `settings`
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'tmmegamenu_items
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽WHERE `id_tab` = '.(int)$id_tab.'
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽AND `type` ='.$menu_type.'
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽聽聽 聽AND `is_mega` = 0';
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
聽聽 聽聽聽 聽return explode(',', $result['settings']);聽聽 AQUI MARCA EL ERROR
聽聽 聽}

error megamenu.JPG

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