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Security issues in 1.3.7?

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I've just finished reading a lot of topics, and I still can't make things work. I've installed PrestaShop for almost a thousand times, and I always get different problems. It seems there are still some things to be done about 1.4 (and the installation progress), doesn't it?

Anyway, I have tried 1.3.7 as well, and the installation works perfect. Now my question to you is: are there any security issues with 1.3.7? Because the shop has to go online as soon as possible, and that's why I can't keep trying to install 1.4 over and over again... 1.3.7 can do just fine (if there are no security issues of course).

Thank you in advance for more information!

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Any system will have some kind of security whole if some profesionals want to intrude.
even misrocoft wondows keep finding some security wholes.

I am not sure how much enhancement has been done in 1.4 compares with 1.3.7
But I think PrestaShop(1.3.7) should have covered most cases, for general use, there should be no problems.

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