So we have this website, fresh installation, we used PS official module to migrate everything from previous 1.6 version, and now we want to display some shops on the contact page, when we go to Shop parameters -> Contact -> Shops tab and add one, we get this error:
2 errors
- The field name is required at least in Español (Spanish).
- The field address1 is required at least in Español (Spanish).
Main language is spanish and secondary english, if you check the attached image you'll notice the text fields don't have the language switch so we think it may be the root of the issue, maybe having no language switch it adds the english version by default and won't let it save since there is no spanish version?
Website has been running ok for a month so we really don't know where the issue comes from, we could try overwritting PS core files, or maybe is a DB issue? any pointer is appreciated.
Has anybody run into something similar, we're really stuck as we need to add those shops for the client.