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How to customize form inputs in Starter Theme?

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Hi there.

I am trying to modify how input tags for the login form are rendered in file /templates/customer/_partials/login-form.tpl, and found this code that generates them:

{block name='form_fields'}
	{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}
		{block name='form_field'}
			{form_field field=$field}

Now I want to change the HTML of these inputs, mostly to insert new attributes on them (classes, placeholders maybe... whatever). How can this be achieved?

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  • 4 years later...


I'm trying to figure out where I need to define the placeholder text?

I have th below code that implements the attribute, but I have no clue where I would define the text for the placeholder so that it would exist in {$field.availableValues.placeholder} for the field I want?


        {block name='form_field_item_other'}
            {if isset($field.availableValues.placeholder)}placeholder="{$field.availableValues.placeholder}"{/if}
            {if $field.maxLength}maxlength="{$field.maxLength}"{/if}
            {if $field.required}required{/if}
          {if isset($field.availableValues.comment)}
            <span class="form-control-comment">


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