i use one page chekout and bankwire module . i set the a option so before customer confirm order a pop-up showing the payment metod and total cost of order to customer . now i want to add selected customer carrier and shipping method to this information
in /themes/modules/bankwire/views/templates/front and this file : payment_execution.tpl
i found the code like this :
{l s='We allow the following currency to be sent via bank wire:' mod='bankwire'} <b>{$currencies.0.name}</b>
<input type="hidden" name="currency_payment" value="{$currencies.0.id_currency}" />
who showing the currencies
but i dont know ... how to write a code like this for showing selected customer carrier and shipping method to this information and display it
i searched a forum but i cant found a solution for this
please help me
best regard
a alone presta lover .