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big problems with images

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My images are all messed up, some overlap specials box, even on product page (example: http://spoonysglasspipes.com/product.php?id_product=175) they overlap the rest of the info. i think the wrong images are being shown, like /img/p/175-203-large.jpg or thickbox.jpg instead of the small one. how can i fix this, regen. thumbnails doesn't do anything. is there a way to use the original images and reset all of them, any help would be great. thanks,

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My images are all messed up, some overlap specials box, even on product page (example: http://spoonysglasspipes.com/product.php?id_product=175) they overlap the rest of the info. i think the wrong images are being shown, like /img/p/175-203-large.jpg or thickbox.jpg instead of the small one. how can i fix this, regen. thumbnails doesn't do anything. is there a way to use the original images and reset all of them, any help would be great. thanks,

I have the same problem and after few hours of reading this forum I found the solution :)
You must enter back-ofiice and then "Preferences" -> "Products" and select from drop menu "Image generated by:" AUTO, I don't know how this option become other than AUTO but now everything is working fine. I hope this will help you, maby you must rebuild all pictures and thumbnails :) and sorry for my bad english, bye :)
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