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Problème avec le montant de la reduction

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J'ai un souci avec les réductions. J'utilise la fonction native de prestashop mais le montant de la reduction n'est pas exact... Je vous joins les photos des reglages backoffice et ce que ca donne sur le site. Quelqu'un a deja vu de problème ? Dans ce cas la réduction devrait être de 286,5 euros non 343,80...

Prestashop 1.7.5






Edited by @rthur (see edit history)
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J'ai trouvé en modifiant la ligne $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); en changeant true par false. Par contre dernier problème. Sur l'email de confirmation la tva est prise sur le total avant reduction. Par contre sur la facture il n'y a pas ce bug. J'imagine que ca se trouve dans ce code le bug mais je ne trouve pas où...

                    $order->id_customer = (int) $this->context->cart->id_customer;
                    $order->id_address_invoice = (int) $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice;
                    $order->id_address_delivery = (int) $id_address;
                    $order->id_currency = $this->context->currency->id;
                    $order->id_lang = (int) $this->context->cart->id_lang;
                    $order->id_cart = (int) $this->context->cart->id;
                    $order->reference = $reference;
                    $order->id_shop = (int) $this->context->shop->id;
                    $order->id_shop_group = (int) $this->context->shop->id_shop_group;

                    $order->secure_key = ($secure_key ? pSQL($secure_key) : pSQL($this->context->customer->secure_key));
                    $order->payment = $payment_method;
                    if (isset($this->name)) {
                        $order->module = $this->name;
                    $order->recyclable = $this->context->cart->recyclable;
                    $order->gift = (int) $this->context->cart->gift;
                    $order->gift_message = $this->context->cart->gift_message;
                    $order->mobile_theme = $this->context->cart->mobile_theme;
                    $order->conversion_rate = $this->context->currency->conversion_rate;
                    $amount_paid = !$dont_touch_amount ? Tools::ps_round((float) $amount_paid, 2) : $amount_paid;
                    $order->total_paid_real = 0;

                    $order->total_products = (float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier);
                    $order->total_products_wt = (float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier);
                    $order->total_discounts_tax_excl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_discounts_tax_incl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_discounts = $order->total_discounts_tax_incl;

                    $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = (float) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, false, null, $order->product_list);
                    $order->total_shipping_tax_incl = (float) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, true, null, $order->product_list);
                    $order->total_shipping = $order->total_shipping_tax_incl;

                    if (!is_null($carrier) && Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier)) {
                        $order->carrier_tax_rate = $carrier->getTaxesRate(new Address((int) $this->context->cart->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}));

                    $order->total_wrapping_tax_excl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_wrapping = $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl;

                    $order->total_paid_tax_excl = (float) Tools::ps_round((float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_);
                    $order->total_paid_tax_incl = (float) Tools::ps_round((float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_);
                    $order->total_paid = $order->total_paid_tax_incl;
                    $order->round_mode = Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_ROUND_MODE');
                    $order->round_type = Configuration::get('PS_ROUND_TYPE');

                    $order->invoice_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
                    $order->delivery_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

                    if (self::DEBUG_MODE) {
                        PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true);


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  • 4 weeks later...
Le 20/06/2019 à 3:08 PM, @rthur a dit :

J'ai trouvé en modifiant la ligne $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); en changeant true par false. Par contre dernier problème. Sur l'email de confirmation la tva est prise sur le total avant reduction. Par contre sur la facture il n'y a pas ce bug. J'imagine que ca se trouve dans ce code le bug mais je ne trouve pas où...

                    $order->id_customer = (int) $this->context->cart->id_customer;
                    $order->id_address_invoice = (int) $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice;
                    $order->id_address_delivery = (int) $id_address;
                    $order->id_currency = $this->context->currency->id;
                    $order->id_lang = (int) $this->context->cart->id_lang;
                    $order->id_cart = (int) $this->context->cart->id;
                    $order->reference = $reference;
                    $order->id_shop = (int) $this->context->shop->id;
                    $order->id_shop_group = (int) $this->context->shop->id_shop_group;

                    $order->secure_key = ($secure_key ? pSQL($secure_key) : pSQL($this->context->customer->secure_key));
                    $order->payment = $payment_method;
                    if (isset($this->name)) {
                        $order->module = $this->name;
                    $order->recyclable = $this->context->cart->recyclable;
                    $order->gift = (int) $this->context->cart->gift;
                    $order->gift_message = $this->context->cart->gift_message;
                    $order->mobile_theme = $this->context->cart->mobile_theme;
                    $order->conversion_rate = $this->context->currency->conversion_rate;
                    $amount_paid = !$dont_touch_amount ? Tools::ps_round((float) $amount_paid, 2) : $amount_paid;
                    $order->total_paid_real = 0;

                    $order->total_products = (float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier);
                    $order->total_products_wt = (float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier);
                    $order->total_discounts_tax_excl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_discounts_tax_incl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_discounts = $order->total_discounts_tax_incl;

                    $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = (float) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, false, null, $order->product_list);
                    $order->total_shipping_tax_incl = (float) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, true, null, $order->product_list);
                    $order->total_shipping = $order->total_shipping_tax_incl;

                    if (!is_null($carrier) && Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier)) {
                        $order->carrier_tax_rate = $carrier->getTaxesRate(new Address((int) $this->context->cart->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}));

                    $order->total_wrapping_tax_excl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl = (float) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier));
                    $order->total_wrapping = $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl;

                    $order->total_paid_tax_excl = (float) Tools::ps_round((float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_);
                    $order->total_paid_tax_incl = (float) Tools::ps_round((float) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_);
                    $order->total_paid = $order->total_paid_tax_incl;
                    $order->round_mode = Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_ROUND_MODE');
                    $order->round_type = Configuration::get('PS_ROUND_TYPE');

                    $order->invoice_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
                    $order->delivery_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

                    if (self::DEBUG_MODE) {
                        PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true);


Bonjour @@rthur, quel fichier avez-vous modifié ? Ce n'est pas cart.php dans le dossier classes ?

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Le 20/06/2019 à 1:41 PM, @rthur a dit :



J'ai un souci avec les réductions. J'utilise la fonction native de prestashop mais le montant de la reduction n'est pas exact... Je vous joins les photos des reglages backoffice et ce que ca donne sur le site. Quelqu'un a deja vu de problème ? Dans ce cas la réduction devrait être de 286,5 euros non 343,80...

Prestashop 1.7.5






Bonjour @@rthur

Moi j'ai ce problème sur le BO et non sur le FO.

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait.

Je suis sur PS

Dans le BO / commande / j'ouvre une commande / les prix affichés dans l'encart "Nom de la réduction" sont en TTC et il les faudrait en HT. Les commerciaux s'arrachent les cheveux.

Voir screen shot. La réduc de la livraison devrait etre affichée à 25,40€ ht et pas 30,48

Merci à vous

Capture d’écran 2020-11-26 à 11.26.27.jpg

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