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Vouchers won't work after upgrading to prestashop 1.4

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I am trying to create a voucher but event though I have it correctly defined I am unable to add the voucher to the order at checkout.
I type in the voucher code, click on ADD and nothing actually happens. Anyone had the same issue?

This was working perfectly from 1.3.1 :S


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I found this error in the log when I try to add the voucher:

[26-Mar-2011 17:27:13] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/zoveress/public_html/megaperfumeshop.com/classes/MySQL.php on line 167

I think there is something missing from the database. Anyone can help debugging this? Is there a debug option in prestashop?

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Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/***/public_html/***/classes/MySQL.php on line 167

i am getting this msg, every time i go to the Categories on the home page, and choose one of the, so i get this notice.
as well, in some parts i can not see images, they appear as broken view. And it happened not long time ago, as even some hours ago it was all good, and i have not done any changes.
So, this is really strange..
i hope to get the answer too, as soon as it is possible.
Hope it could be solved... Thanks

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just to let you know all, i have found the problem for my self. on prestashop 1.4.017 i have installed the Layered navigation block v1.3 PrestaShop which displays a block with layered navigation filters, and now i tried to delete it, and it worked! i dont have this problem any more.
This module was in 1.4.017, but looks like it is not working... so, i hope you guys will figure it out too.

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just to let you know all, i have found the problem for my self. on prestashop 1.4.017 i have installed the Layered navigation block v1.3 PrestaShop which displays a block with layered navigation filters, and now i tried to delete it, and it worked! i dont have this problem any more.
This module was in 1.4.017, but looks like it is not working... so, i hope you guys will figure it out too.

Can you describe exactly what you did step-by-step to make vouchers work in 1.4?? I have a webshop opening in a less than a month and I would like to offer opening discount with vouchers so I really need this vouchers function working ... Thank you!
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just to let you know all, i have found the problem for my self. on prestashop 1.4.017 i have installed the Layered navigation block v1.3 PrestaShop which displays a block with layered navigation filters, and now i tried to delete it, and it worked! i dont have this problem any more.
This module was in 1.4.017, but looks like it is not working... so, i hope you guys will figure it out too.

Can you describe exactly what you did step-by-step to make vouchers work in 1.4?? I have a webshop opening in a less than a month and I would like to offer opening discount with vouchers so I really need this vouchers function working ... Thank you!

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I found a solution... The 5 page standard checkout wont throw an error. My problem was that products marked "on sale" won't avail to reduction unless you check "Cumulative with price reductions" option in at your voucher. Since there was no error message I couldnt figure this out. I switched to one page checkout from the general settings and voila. I could easily figure this out. The only question I have here is why is the SQL error??? So before you try anything else try this!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Seems that it has something to do with OrderOpcController.php from the controller folder.

Rename the OrderOpcController.php to OrderOpcController.php.bak and add the latest OrderOpcController.php from SVN and see if that is working for you.

Always make sure you have a backup before testing and changing things in case you screw up ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

If your using a custom theme and can't get the voucher code to work in the shopping cart after you have updated your version of prestashop check your shopping-cart.tpl file in your theme folder and make sure that the code contains the full form code for the newest version 1.4.

download the code from the newest version of prestashop if you have a custom theme try adding this in place of the <form> code in your custom theme. only replace the "form" portion of the code in the shopping-cart.tpl file! The download and the code posted to this topic are the same

     <form action="{if $opc}{$link->getPageLink('order-opc.php', true)}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order.php', true)}{/if}" method="post" id="voucher">

{l s='Vouchers'}

{l s='Code:'}
               <input type="text" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value="{if isset($discount_name) && $discount_name}{$discount_name}{/if}" />

<input type="hidden" name="submitDiscount" /><input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" />
       {if $displayVouchers}
{l s='Take advantage of our offers:'}

           {foreach from=$displayVouchers item=voucher}
{$voucher.name} - {$voucher.description} 





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  • 2 years later...

Hi T-Bone,


I've prestashop version 1.4.6


I've checked your post file and I've matched with my shopping-cart and are the same lines codes.



My voucher code (example 10% off) don't apply at cart summary and tell me the error "don't possible applied this voucher or don't valid"



can you help me?


Attached my shopping-cart.tpl

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Sorry, my file it's here...



{capture name=path}{l s='Your shopping cart'}{/capture}

{include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"}


<h1 id="cart_title">{l s='Shopping cart summary'}</h1>


{assign var='current_step' value='summary'}

{include file="$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl"}

{include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}


{if isset($empty)}

<p class="warning">{l s='Your shopping cart is empty.'}</p>


<p class="warning">{l s='This store has not accepted your new order.'}</p>


<script type="text/javascript">

// <![CDATA[

var currencySign = '{$currencySign|html_entity_decode:2:"UTF-8"}';

var currencyRate = '{$currencyRate|floatval}';

var currencyFormat = '{$currencyFormat|intval}';

var currencyBlank = '{$currencyBlank|intval}';

var txtProduct = "{l s='product'}";

var txtProducts = "{l s='products'}";

// ]]>


<p style="display:none" id="emptyCartWarning" class="warning">{l s='Your shopping cart is empty.'}</p>

{if isset($lastProductAdded) AND $lastProductAdded}

{foreach from=$products item=product}

{if $product.id_product == $lastProductAdded.id_product AND (!$product.id_product_attribute OR ($product.id_product_attribute == $lastProductAdded.id_product_attribute))}

<div class="cart_last_product">

<div class="cart_last_product_header">

<div class="left">{l s='Last added product'}</div>


<a class="cart_last_product_img" href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'small')}" alt="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"/></a>

<div class="cart_last_product_content">

<h5><a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></h5>

{if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}<a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.attributes|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>{/if}


<br class="clear" />





<p>{l s='Your shopping cart contains'} <span id="summary_products_quantity">{$productNumber} {if $productNumber == 1}{l s='product'}{else}{l s='products'}{/if}</span></p>

<div id="order-detail-content" class="table_block">

<table id="cart_summary" class="std">



<th class="cart_product first_item">{l s='Product'}</th>

<th class="cart_description item">{l s='Description'}</th>

<th class="cart_ref item">{l s='Ref.'}</th>

<th class="cart_availability item">{l s='Avail.'}</th>

<th class="cart_unit item">{l s='Unit price'}</th>

<th class="cart_quantity item">{l s='Qty'}</th>

<th class="cart_total last_item">{l s='Total'}</th>




{if $use_taxes}

{if $priceDisplay}

<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total products'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_product">{displayPrice price=$total_products}</td>



<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total products'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_product">{displayPrice price=$total_products_wt}</td>




<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total products:'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_product">{displayPrice price=$total_products}</td>



<tr class="cart_total_voucher" {if $total_discounts == 0}style="display: none;"{/if}>

<td colspan="6">

{if $use_taxes}

{if $priceDisplay}

{l s='Total vouchers'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}


{l s='Total vouchers'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}



{l s='Total vouchers:'}



<td class="price-discount" id="total_discount">

{if $use_taxes}

{if $priceDisplay}

{displayPrice price=$total_discounts_tax_exc}


{displayPrice price=$total_discounts}



{displayPrice price=$total_discounts_tax_exc}




<tr class="cart_total_voucher" {if $total_wrapping == 0}style="display: none;"{/if}>

<td colspan="6">

{if $use_taxes}

{if $priceDisplay}

{l s='Total gift-wrapping'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}


{l s='Total gift-wrapping'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}



{l s='Total gift-wrapping:'}



<td class="price-discount" id="total_wrapping">

{if $use_taxes}

{if $priceDisplay}

{displayPrice price=$total_wrapping_tax_exc}


{displayPrice price=$total_wrapping}



{displayPrice price=$total_wrapping_tax_exc}




{if $use_taxes}

{if $priceDisplay}

<tr class="cart_total_delivery" {if $shippingCost <= 0} style="display:none;"{/if}>

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total shipping'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_shipping">{displayPrice price=$shippingCostTaxExc}</td>



<tr class="cart_total_delivery"{if $shippingCost <= 0} style="display:none;"{/if}>

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total shipping'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_shipping" >{displayPrice price=$shippingCost}</td>




<tr class="cart_total_delivery"{if $shippingCost <= 0} style="display:none;"{/if}>

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total shipping:'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_shipping" >{displayPrice price=$shippingCostTaxExc}</td>




{if $use_taxes}

<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total (tax excl.):'}


{l s='Subtotal:'}



<td class="price" id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</td>


<tr class="cart_total_tax">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total tax:'}


{l s='Estimated Sales Tax:'}



<td class="price" id="total_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td>


<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total (tax incl.):'}


{l s='Total:'}



<td class="price" id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</td>



<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">{l s='Total:'}</td>

<td class="price" id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</td>



<tr class="cart_free_shipping" {if $free_ship <= 0 || $isVirtualCart} style="display: none;" {/if}>

<td colspan="6" style="white-space: normal;">{l s='Remaining amount to be added to your cart in order to obtain free shipping:'}</td>

<td id="free_shipping" class="price">{displayPrice price=$free_ship}</td>




{foreach from=$products item=product name=productLoop}

{assign var='productId' value=$product.id_product}

{assign var='productAttributeId' value=$product.id_product_attribute}

{assign var='quantityDisplayed' value=0}

{* Display the product line *}

{include file="$tpl_dir./shopping-cart-product-line.tpl"}

{* Then the customized datas ones*}

{if isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId)}

{foreach from=$customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId key='id_customization' item='customization'}

<tr id="product_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}" class="alternate_item cart_item">

<td colspan="5">

{foreach from=$customization.datas key='type' item='datas'}

{if $type == $CUSTOMIZE_FILE}

<div class="customizationUploaded">

<ul class="customizationUploaded">

{foreach from=$datas item='picture'}<li><img src="{$pic_dir}{$picture.value}_small" alt="" class="customizationUploaded" /></li>{/foreach}



{elseif $type == $CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD}

<ul class="typedText">

{foreach from=$datas item='textField' name='typedText'}<li>{if $textField.name}{$textField.name}{else}{l s='Text #'}{$smarty.foreach.typedText.index+1}{/if}{l s=':'} {$textField.value}</li>{/foreach}





<td class="cart_quantity">

<div style="float:right">

<a rel="nofollow" class="cart_quantity_delete" id="{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart.php', true)}?delete&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_customization={$id_customization}&token={$token_cart}"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/delete.gif" alt="{l s='Delete'}" title="{l s='Delete this customization'}" width="11" height="13" class="icon" /></a>


<div id="cart_quantity_button" style="float:left">

<a rel="nofollow" class="cart_quantity_up" id="cart_quantity_up_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart.php', true)}?add&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_customization={$id_customization}&token={$token_cart}" title="{l s='Add'}"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/quantity_up.gif" alt="{l s='Add'}" width="14" height="9" /></a><br />

{if $product.minimal_quantity < ($customization.quantity -$quantityDisplayed) OR $product.minimal_quantity <= 1}

<a rel="nofollow" class="cart_quantity_down" id="cart_quantity_down_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart.php', true)}?add&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_customization={$id_customization}&op=down&token={$token_cart}" title="{l s='Subtract'}">

<img src="{$img_dir}icon/quantity_down.gif" alt="{l s='Subtract'}" width="14" height="9" />



<a class="cart_quantity_down" style="opacity: 0.3;" id="cart_quantity_down_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}" href="#" title="{l s='Subtract'}">

<img src="{$img_dir}icon/quantity_down.gif" alt="{l s='Subtract'}" width="14" height="9" />




<input type="hidden" value="{$customization.quantity}" name="quantity_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}_hidden"/>

<input size="2" type="text" value="{$customization.quantity}" class="cart_quantity_input" name="quantity_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}"/>


<td class="cart_total"></td>


{assign var='quantityDisplayed' value=$quantityDisplayed+$customization.quantity}


{* If it exists also some uncustomized products *}

{if $product.quantity-$quantityDisplayed > 0}{include file="$tpl_dir./shopping-cart-product-line.tpl"}{/if}




{if sizeof($discounts)}


{foreach from=$discounts item=discount name=discountLoop}

<tr class="cart_discount {if $smarty.foreach.discountLoop.last}last_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.discountLoop.first}first_item{else}item{/if}" id="cart_discount_{$discount.id_discount}">

<td class="cart_discount_name" colspan="2">{$discount.name}</td>

<td class="cart_discount_description" colspan="3">{$discount.description}</td>

<td class="cart_discount_delete"><a href="{if $opc}{$link->getPageLink('order-opc.php', true)}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order.php', true)}{/if}?deleteDiscount={$discount.id_discount}" title="{l s='Delete'}"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/delete.gif" alt="{l s='Delete'}" class="icon" width="11" height="13" /></a></td>

<td class="cart_discount_price"><span class="price-discount">

{if $discount.value_real > 0}

{if !$priceDisplay}{displayPrice price=$discount.value_real*-1}{else}{displayPrice price=$discount.value_tax_exc*-1}{/if}










{if $voucherAllowed}

<div id="cart_voucher" class="table_block">

{if isset($errors_discount) && $errors_discount}

<ul class="error">

{foreach from=$errors_discount key=k item=error}





<form action="{if $opc}{$link->getPageLink('order-opc.php', true)}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order.php', true)}{/if}" method="post" id="voucher">


<h4>{l s='Vouchers'}</h4>


<label for="discount_name">{l s='Code:'}</label>

<input type="text" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value="{if isset($discount_name) && $discount_name}{$discount_name}{/if}" />


<p class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="submitDiscount" /><input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>

{if $displayVouchers}

<h4>{l s='Take advantage of our offers:'}</h4>

<div id="display_cart_vouchers">

{foreach from=$displayVouchers item=voucher}

<span onclick="$('#discount_name').val('{$voucher.name}');return false;" class="voucher_name">{$voucher.name}</span> - {$voucher.description} <br />










{* Define the style if it doesn't exist in the PrestaShop version*}

{* Will be deleted for 1.5 version and more *}

{if !isset($addresses_style)}

{$addresses_style.company = 'address_company'}

{$addresses_style.vat_number = 'address_company'}

{$addresses_style.firstname = 'address_name'}

{$addresses_style.lastname = 'address_name'}

{$addresses_style.address1 = 'address_address1'}

{$addresses_style.address2 = 'address_address2'}

{$addresses_style.city = 'address_city'}

{$addresses_style.country = 'address_country'}

{$addresses_style.phone = 'address_phone'}

{$addresses_style.phone_mobile = 'address_phone_mobile'}

{$addresses_style.alias = 'address_title'}



{if (($carrier->id AND !isset($virtualCart)) OR $delivery->id OR $invoice->id) AND !$opc}

<div class="order_delivery">

{if !isset($formattedAddresses)}

{if $delivery->id}

<ul id="delivery_address" class="address item">

<li class="address_title">{l s='Delivery address'}</li>

{if $delivery->company}<li class="address_company">{$delivery->company|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>{/if}

<li class="address_name">{$delivery->firstname|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$delivery->lastname|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

<li class="address_address1">{$delivery->address1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

{if $delivery->address2}<li class="address_address2">{$delivery->address2|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>{/if}

<li class="address_city">{$delivery->postcode|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$delivery->city|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

<li class="address_country">{$delivery->country|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {if $delivery_state}({$delivery_state|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}){/if}</li>



{if $invoice->id}

<ul id="invoice_address" class="address alternate_item">

<li class="address_title">{l s='Invoice address'}</li>

{if $invoice->company}<li class="address_company">{$invoice->company|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>{/if}

<li class="address_name">{$invoice->firstname|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$invoice->lastname|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

<li class="address_address1">{$invoice->address1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

{if $invoice->address2}<li class="address_address2">{$invoice->address2|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>{/if}

<li class="address_city">{$invoice->postcode|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$invoice->city|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

<li class="address_country">{$invoice->country|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {if $invoice_state}({$invoice_state|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}){/if}</li>




{foreach from=$formattedAddresses item=address name=myLoop}

<ul class="address {if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.last}last_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.myLoop.first}first_item{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.index % 2}alternate_item{else}item{/if}">

<li class="address_title">{$address.object.alias}</li>

{foreach from=$address.ordered name=adr_loop item=pattern}

{assign var=addressKey value=" "|explode:$pattern}


{foreach from=$addressKey item=key name="word_loop"}

<span class="{if isset($addresses_style[$key])}{$addresses_style[$key]}{/if}">








<p class="clear" />


{if $carrier->id AND !isset($virtualCart)}

<div id="order_carrier">

<h4>{l s='Carrier:'}</h4>

{if isset($carrierPicture)}<img src="{$img_ship_dir}{$carrier->id}.jpg" alt="{l s='Carrier'}" />{/if}






<p class="cart_navigation">

{if !$opc}<a href="{$link->getPageLink('order.php', true)}?step=1{if $back}&back={$back}{/if}" class="exclusive" title="{l s='Next'}">{l s='Next'} »</a>{/if}

<a href="{if (isset($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER) && strstr($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER, $link->getPageLink('order.php'))) || !isset($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER)}{$link->getPageLink('index.php')}{else}{$smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|secureReferrer}{/if}" class="button_large" title="{l s='Continue shopping'}">« {l s='Continue shopping'}</a>


<p class="clear"><br /><br /></p>

<div class="clear"></div>

<p class="cart_navigation_extra">




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