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(SOLVED) Change the editorial module logo image according to the selected language

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Hi all,
I need to change the the editorial module logo image for my store depending on the language selected by the user.
The module's page don't admit a diferent image for earh language but anybody knows how to manage for doing it?


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I thing one way is to insert a language variable


into the following code(modules/editorial/editorial.tpl):

<!-- Module Editorial -->

   {if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}body_home_logo_link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}">{/if}
   {if $homepage_logo}getMediaLink($image_path)}" alt="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}" {if $image_width}width="{$image_width}"{/if} {if $image_height}height="{$image_height}" {/if}/>{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_logo_subheading}
   {elseif $editorial->body_logo_subheading}
   {if $editorial->body_title}{$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_title}{$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_subheading}{$editorial->body_subheading|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_subheading}{$editorial->body_subheading|stripslashes}{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_paragraph}{$editorial->body_paragraph|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_paragraph}{$editorial->body_paragraph|stripslashes}{/if}

<!-- /Module Editorial -->

But I don't know how to... Anybody knows how to do it? Thanks!

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good idea, nest.
Here is how to implement your idea

1. add following code in file /modules/editorial/editorial.php (PHP)

look for function hookHome(), inside of this function

after line

               global $cookie, $smarty;

adding following lines

               $language = new Language($cookie->id_lang);

2. change file /modules/editorial/editorial.tpl (TPL)

look for this code


change to


3. create image for all language and upload to folder /modules/editorial/

I have not test it yet, but it should work

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Hi shokinro,

thanks for the answer, it seems a great idea. Only one problem:

You say to change in /modules/editorial/editorial.tpl (TPL) the code


but this expresion don't exists in the /modules/editorial/editorial.tpl, the only code involved in the generation of this link is the following conditional:

{if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}body_home_logo_link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}">{/if}

There are not any


in the whole code of editorial.tpl file.

Any idea for doing it? Thanks again, my hope grow up with your answer!

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1. add following code in file /modules/editorial/editorial.php (PHP)

look for function hookHome(), inside of this function

after line

               global $cookie, $smarty;

adding following lines

               $language = new Language($cookie->id_lang);

2. In the same file, change following line


           'image_path' => $this->_path.'homepage_logo.jpg'


           'image_path' => $this->_path.'homepage_logo_' . $language->iso_code . '.jpg'

3. create image for all language and upload to folder /modules/editorial/

Hope this works for you

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Now working fine shokinro!!
At first time I did all steps but didn't works, the image was not loaded. But then I saw that the line just before

'image_path' => $this->_path.'homepage_logo_' . $language->iso_code . '.jpg'


'homepage_logo' => file_exists('modules/editorial/homepage_logo.jpg'),

and I just only changed it for

'homepage_logo' => file_exists('modules/editorial/homepage_logo_' . $language->iso_code . '.jpg'),

as you did with the 'image_path' link and now works fine!

Thanks!!!! I was unable to solve it for myselve, great info for me! I edited the title as (SOLVED) for future reference for who need.

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