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Can't See Text Color same as background 1.4 theme

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I recently upgraded to 1.4 from 1.3x and before i upgraded i had the color of the text visable since i upgraded i changed back to original settings. I forgot how i did it it was so long ago. The background is black and the text in some areas is also black so you can't see what it says in some areas I would like to change the text color to a lighter color so it will display. I followed this step for the terms and conditions text and it cahnged and is visab;e now but other areas of text get the color from the body and stayed the same view images. I highlighted the text so its visab;e for image.

I did this and it worked but what about the rest???

Also in the above thread are more pics of other areas i need to change the text color

Any help would be great or suggestions please!



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