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(SOLVED) Change the background image according to the selected language

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Hi all,
I need to change the background image defined in global.css for my store header depending on the language selected by the user.
I'm thinking about if there is any way to define a conicional to change the image of header div on css depending the languaage selected.

Thanks all for shared info! ;

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Thanks for the interest.
I've installed PS 1.4 (v1.4.0.17) but I don't have URL, I'm working on my future shop in localhost using Xampp.

I think I need to edit:

in the header.tpl to add a conditional to use different css classes depending the language selected but i don't know how to do... You think this is a good way to solve it?

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This has to be done in the FrontController where the CSS files are added to the $css_files variable. Search for "Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global.css', 'all');" in the /classes/FrontController.php unit.

What you want to do is check the language and add the corresponding CSS file with the changes.

I'm going through the same thing. I'm creating a site for NCAA apparel and need to change entire theme coloring based on the team (category) selected.

Or, even easier, if you rename your global.css files according to the language you want to use, i.e. global_en.css and global_fr.css,
then you can just change the code to this:

Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.Tools::getValue('isolang').'.css', 'all');

What image are you talking about that you want to change, anyway?

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Sorry, I've a little think to sove about this:

When I write the URL directly in the browser the header don't charge the css styles and looks like into simple html without css but when I change the language doing a click into a flag then it load fine and if come back to default language by clicking the flag it shows fine this time. In resume, it fails in the first load but works fine when I change the language one time at least.
Any idea to solve it? Thanks!!

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First of all thanks for your time and interest, you're helping me a lot.

When I enter the main url http://localhost/my-shop/ the home loads without the css styles but when I click on for example the spanish's flag the url changes to http://localhost/my-shop/es and home loads fine. If I click on english's flag the url changes to http://localhost/my-shop/en and works fine to. The problem begins when you enter from main URL without "/es" or "/en" directories.

First I changed

Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_es.css', 'all');


Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.Tools::getValue('isolang').'.css', 'all');

and I get this error that I'm explaining.

I tried to put both instructions like this:

Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_es.css', 'all');
Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.Tools::getValue('isolang').'.css', 'all');

And now works fine and shows spanish language when you enter the main url http://localhost/my-shop/. Do you think that this is a good solution or can bring me problems in the future?

Thanks a lot again!!;)

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Usually, your customers aren't going to enter your store that way. They will enter the base URL and click the flag of their language of choice.
I understand the need to be "prepared for anything" but I am not that familiar with the way that PS handles languages because we use only English.
I will do a little more digging and see if I can figure out hos to tell the lang from the URL.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I have prestashop 1.2.5 version and dont have the archive frontcontroller.phpHi, I have the version 1.2.5 of prestashop. And this version does not have file FrontController. Know any other way? Thanks

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  • 7 months later...

hi nest,


First I changed

Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_es.css', 'all');



Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.Tools::getValue('isolang').'.css', 'all');


and I get this error that I'm explaining.


I tried to put both instructions like this:

Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_es.css', 'all');


Tools::addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.Tools::getValue('isolang').'.css', 'all');


i want to do exactly the same thing - would you be able to post the complete code that you changed, and to what you changed it to ?

would be a great great help :)

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  • 3 months later...

Well, i am trying to get this one fired up also using prestashop 1.3x.


But if i add MrBaseball34's directions to modify header.php it still doesn't work at all. Site looks like the proper stylesheet couIdn't be found. I altered the name of the stylesheets to it's language... so for english i have "global_en.css" for german "global_de.css" etc.


The line to change should be the mentioned line 9:

/* CSS */
$css_files[_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.$smarty->lang_iso.'.css'] = 'all';


What's going wrong?

Any help would be very much appreciated!

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in 1.2.5, you modify header.php to load the one you want about line 9:

/* CSS */
$css_files[_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.$smarty->lang_iso.'.css'] = 'all';


I am hopingthat that is correct.


I Found the right way to (in my case) change background image on language choice voor PS V1.3x!


In header.php find the following code on line 9:

$css_files[_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_nl.css'] = 'all';


and replace with:

$css_files[_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global_'.Tools::getValue('isolang').'.css'] = 'all';


Now copy your global.css as many times as you have languages and rename them to (for example) "global_en.css" and "global_fr.css". Change your images accordingly for every language and you're done.


Hope this helps anyone.

If you now

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  • 4 months later...




must. necessarily the css file in the theme/css folder?


I have a folder called contactform in the main-directory with teststyle_nl.css and teststyle_de.css and next code in the FrontController.php


Tools :: addCSS (_contactform_dir_. 'teststyle_. Tools :: getValue (' isolang ').'. css', 'all');


but this does not work!

Edited by Frens (see edit history)
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