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Redirected links from previous shop


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I'm in the process of upgrading my shop to Prestashop, but one thing I was wondering was will there be anyway to maintain the link juice that I currently get from other sites pointing to internal pages, or will they just direct to example.com/404?

As an example, another site currently points to my blue widget category at example.com/bluewidgets.html
With prestashop, the same category will be located at example.com/shop/bluewidgets.php

Is there any way to get the example.com/bluewidgets.html link to redirect to home (so that I don't lose the seo benefits of that link on the other site) rather than page not found?

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If the indexed page is your previous page, just redirect that page to an SEO friendly redirection. 301 redirect is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection. The code "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently".

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