I guess that's where we're differ. From the merchant's point of view, any bug that prevents him for a long while from running his business optimally is critical, and not trivial! He doesn't care whether the programmers remove a few blanks here and there or indent a passage for the sake of the flawlessness of the code. His or her business is in the real world. And it's all about the shop running without your hair standing on end.
1 hour ago, ttoine said:Many big shops are running a 1.7.x, with happy users and maintainers, since last year.
Yes, every day many of those happy users report new bugs and problems in the PrestaShop forum. 😊
Where are there positive discussions? This was once the case in this forum - but quite a while before you joined Prestashop.
Believe it or not: I still love Prestashop (except 1.7). But, no offence, I've heard this praise of the many big successful 1.5 or 1.6 or 1.7 shops (allways without naming any well-known name) for years now. Your predecessors have sung this song, too. Step by step it's just annoying, because Prestashop's market share seems to have been stagnating for years. This is the truth about 1.7: