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Hello everyone, I am wondering if any one knows how I can set up prestashop to sell printshop items, the thing is, if I define a flyer, I need diferent prices for different quantities, for example 100 flyers @ $100, 500 flyers @ $400, 1000 flyers @ $700.00

Is this possible, is there a way of doing it with prestashop

Thanks in advance

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Hey there sure you can in attributes
you could name it Flyer Quantity: then have the varients 100,200,300 and so forth then when creating the flyer product add the attribute Flyer Quanity with the quanity value and change the cost accordly in the cost effect portion then add that attribute. You would need to create an attribute for each varient but the result would give you a drop down menu for the quantity which would then change the price to the respected value when selected.

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