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Wants to have Freightprice for each product, how?

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Hi again,

I have different type of product in my shop, and different products means different freight price. Is there a way to add different freight price for different products?
eg: product 1 = freight price 2$
product 2 = freight price 3$
product 3 = freight price 20$
product 4 = freight price 4$

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You can only do it by creative use of the weight field, with weight being not the actual weight of the product but a unit of shipping cost. Really messy though and requires you to work out all the combinations and create a huge weight table.


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I have different type of product in my shop, and different products means different freight price. Is there a way to add different freight price for different products?
eg: product 1 = freight price 2$
product 2 = freight price 3$
product 3 = freight price 20$
product 4 = freight price 4$

On above question, Could you not set your weight to a single unit inputs meaning shipping price. So if product A shipping cost is $2, apply 2 to weight field, if its $20 on Product B, then apply 20 to weight field.

Only issue will be how many bands of cost you have, so for example, if shipping could reach $50 and you would need to increments in $, then you would have 50 carrier costs based on these weights. But, otherwise it could possibly work for you. This way, you wil also be able to have different product costs by zone also, so if its a long distance you could charge more

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