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Sin mencionar las prácticas de la mafia que aplican cuentas de Facebook falsas y amenazantes en la cantidad de empresas que han comprado sus módulos, diciendo que usamos contenido pirateado y que nuestro sitio web es dañino porque tiene malware ... indica que acceden de una manera no muy forma legítima para el contenido de su instalación prestashop. Mypresta.eu es un asco de personas y asco de contenido.


PD: No necesito esconderme bajo perfiles falsos con nombres falsos e imágenes falsas para informar de nada, y menos en las redes sociales.



Not to mention the mafia practices that apply threatening false Facebook accounts in how many businesses that have their modules purchased, saying that we use pirated content and that our website is harmful because it has malware ... it indicates that they access in a not very legitimate way to the content of your prestashop installation. Mypresta.eu is a disgust of people and disgust of content. P.D: I do not need to hide under false profiles with false names and false images to report anything, and less on social networks



Not to mention the mafia practices that apply threatening false Facebook accounts in how many businesses that have their modules purchased, saying that we use pirated content and that our website is harmful because it has malware ... it indicates that they access in a not very legitimate way to the content of your prestashop installation. Disgust of people and disgust of content.

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