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Categories are not displayed after identification if customer is affected to group > 1

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Categories are related to all groups.
Customer is related to all groups and default group is the first group.
After identification, categories are displayed.
If customer is affected to the seconde group, after identification, no category displayed in front office.
I've just installed

Thanks in advance for your help

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i've checked that

it appears all works fine, but with a difference with 1.3 version

let's see on 1.4:

the homepage's category section shows only the category the user is allowed to access to: that's the point

if you want your second user category to access an item category, you have to, in the back office, click on the "modify" icon of your item category line and,at the end of the page, check the user category you want to access the item category

and all will work fine alright?

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