40 minutes ago, joseantgv said:Start from the beginning. Which is the problem? What do you mean by "get customization information to be recognised"?
I want to cut in a customization for each of my products - so that when a customer buys a flower arrangement they have to add a message for the message card (fig 1). To do this i wanted to add this to a csv file and upload; but after research i found that the csv upload method to cut in this customisation is not possible (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37483569/csv-import-file-formatting-for-prestashop-products) . So. To get round this is manually updated my database with the customisation info (fig 2) BUT ...But ...but when i then go into the 'finished' product i can see the message customisation (fig 3) but it will not display on the live product unless i click SAVE. So for me to get the database modification to 'take' i have to manually click save on each (500+) product in the back office... man this task is sucking balls..esp with sql server time outs on a shared server.
So my question was/is. - are they other database tables in the database other than ps_customization_field & ps_customization_field_lang that act as me pressing save on the product page of each product?
Really appreciate any help!