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Click SAVE 500+ times. What does the products save button do?


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Do i really have to click each products save button to get customization information to be recognised? I've got 500+ products on each site.....

Ive manually changed the database to inc the customised  info for each product. Is there a db table that i can change to save me having to click the save button on each product for it to display in the front end?


Hope someone can help.The barrel is in mouth as i type this.

Edited by bnadauld (see edit history)
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40 minutes ago, joseantgv said:

Start from the beginning. Which is the problem? What do you mean by "get customization information to be recognised"?

I want to cut in a customization for each of my products - so that when a customer buys a flower arrangement they have to add a message for the message card (fig 1). To do this i wanted to add this to a csv file and upload; but after research i found that the csv upload method to cut in this customisation is not possible (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37483569/csv-import-file-formatting-for-prestashop-products) . So. To get round this is manually updated my database with the customisation info (fig 2) BUT ...But ...but when i then go into the 'finished' product i can see the message customisation (fig 3) but it will not display on the live product unless i click SAVE. So for me to get the database modification to 'take' i have to manually click save on each (500+) product in the back office... man this task is sucking balls..esp with sql server time outs on a shared server.

So my question was/is. - are they other database tables in the database other than ps_customization_field & ps_customization_field_lang that act as me pressing save on the product page of each product?

Really appreciate any help!




Edited by bnadauld (see edit history)
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Yep. And disabled and re-enabled css etc cashing. and browser cashe


There must be some significance to clinking the Save button in the back-office. Like its writing a db entry from 0 to 1 or something? I'd try looking for changes to the db to fid out if this is the case if i were not on shared hosting without this feature. Has anyone ever managed to insert customisation in via a csv import?  ... i wonder

Edited by bnadauld (see edit history)
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