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payment option problem from upgrade.

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i had 1.3.5 and upgrade to 1.4 i been try to setup all and having problem.

mainly payments option i'm using paypal, google, and c.o.d and only paypal works.

google checkout show price $0.00 no matter what.

and C.O.D payment option just show blank.

i'm thinking about downgrade but theme that i'm using works with 1.4

anyone have solution? or same problem?

I sand mail to prestashop but never get answer. -.-






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it also happened to me.
I just upgraded my shop version to the latest one 1.4.10
and the last page "validation.php was also empty like yours.

I failed to find the problem and install the fresh 1.4.10 and copy my themes and modules to this new fresh shop. (somehow it's not same with upgrade) and voila everything works again.

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