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Hey! I have the the same problem. Did you find any solution for this?

The only solution that I have found for the moment is solving the products one by one and redirecting each one. But that's not a viable solution when you have a lot of products.

Now I am trying to make a rule to redirect URLs of all products. It would be very easy to change the URL pattern of the products, but sometimes it is not possible if you want to maintain the SEO of your links.

My products URL pattern has to be: {rewrite}-{id}{-:id_product_attribute}{-:ean13}.html because I want to keep the same patter as version 1.6 now that I'm upgrading to 1.7.

If u want, u can find my question here



Hey! I have the the same problem. Did you find any solution for this?

The only solution that I have found for the moment is solving the products one by one and redirecting each one. But that's not a viable solution when you have a lot of products.

Now I am trying to make a rule to redirect URLs of all products. It would be very easy to change the URL pattern of the products, but sometimes it is not possible if you want to maintain the SEO of your links.

My products URL pattern has to be: {rewrite}-{id}{-:id_product_attribute}{-:ean13}.html because I want to keep the same patter as version 1.6 now that I'm upgrading to 1.7.

If u want, u can find my questión here

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