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How to get logged in user mobile phone


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Hi, firstly thank you to all on this forum who have provided assistance - I have used this extensively as a source for learning how to get things done in PS. Much appreciated (especially Vekia - legend!).

I am trying to retrieve the mobile phone value of the logged-in customer from $cookie to pre-populate an input form. I currently have the following working:




These all work perfectly.

I have a value for mobile_phone stored on the shop_customer table (I added this field in order to have the mobile stored for customers who do not want to create an address record immediately - but I do need mobile number). How do I get this into the cookie as well, or alternatively how do I retrieve it in the script for the logged-customer? 

I tried to use the same code that works fine on the My Personal Information page (identity.tpl) to retrieve the correct mobile phone value {$smarty.post.mobile_phone}. But it does not return a value on the new page. 

Any guidance will be appreciated.

EDIT: Resolved. Found the answer buried in the comments here: http://prestacraft.com/adding-new-fields-to-the-registration-form/#. I managed to add the mobile phone value to the cookie in AuthController.php and it worked perfectly!


Edited by gbudge (see edit history)
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