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I need a module to import XML Product list


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There is a lot of module to import XML product files, but not work correctly in my, then i ask for a personalized module.

My XML have a lot of fields, but i need:

  • EAN (if not 13 character then skip, if empty then skip)
  • Reference 
  • Brand (with 2 rename function es. NIKESHOES to NIKE)
  • Reference Supplier
  • Name (skip if exist)(rename if there is a error composition "/, >, etc" with EAN)
  • Category (if doesn't exist then create)
  • Cost (overwrite)
  • Quantity (overwrite)
  • Eco-Tax (overwrite)

Module need to process:

  • Price no-tax (with numeric field in backoffice, cost increased of 20%)
  • Price with TAX (from prestashop setting, Tax is active)
  • Quantity on store (is Quantity)
  • Quantity on depot (if store quantity is 0 and depot is 1 or more need to be product active, if is 0 and 0 the product is disable)
  • Suppliers (need to be the same "MYNAME")

Icecat module compile all other fields (weight, long, image, features, etc.)

I need to import my weekly file and and push IMPORT only.

On final version i need to translate in my language the backoffice instructions.

I would be interested in having an estimate of the costs and the timing for development. I would prefer a programmer within the European community for a billing factor. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to receiving your feedback on andreamandato@mandaz.com


Andrea Mandato

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I have a very similar module which, among other things, can import an XML file in the administration as well as automatically calling a service by a task scheduler. It could be quite easy to adapt this module for your needs.

This module offers logging which is very important when you run the import automatically as well as proper "on screen" logging to see what happened during the import.

https://www.presta-addons.com/cs/prestashop-moduly/18-m4-propojeni-money-s3-prestashop.html (sorry, the description is in Czech only)

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I don't need an automatic direct import form from my vendor's site, I have to upload the file manually. My provider does not allow automatic import.

So I load the XML file on the prestashop 1.7.5 module, and the module must convert the data previously indicated.

I tried a lot of modules, but nobody satisfied me. The only one that allows me to automate these conversions is eMagicOne Store Manager, but there is a need for software installed on the PC and it is bound to this.

If you have the prestashop native import module in mind I would like you to do the same thing, with the only addition that would modify some fields and insert the missing fields.


Attachment example files on XLSX

first 2 lines are empty then skip

02.5954 APPLE 

no EAN then skip

01.633 ASUSTEK 4712900152609 90SV04EA-M02CE0

rename ASUSTEK to ASUS

15.400 BROTHER EGS60MF  
89.1160 COOLER MASTER 0000000000000 10CMFR0000002

Wrong EAN then SKIP

47.1930 POLAROID 4250175825014

Wrong name then RENAME to Manufacter + EAN


  • If product exist on prestashop by EAN update price and Quantity
  • disponibilità_filiale is Quantity
  • Disponibilità_sede is 0 and disponibilità_sede is 0 import but disable
  • Disponibilità_sede is 0 and disponibilità_sede is 0 update price and quantity

The module don't must delete existing product without EAN on my prestashop
i have icecat import then all other data was update by icecat by a cronjob


Please send me a mail with

  • Your cost
  • Your office address
  • Time to enable module
  • Payment method



example.xlsxFetching info...

Edited by Mandaz (see edit history)
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