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My New PrestaSite is Finished... What do you think?

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Hi Everyone.

My New Site is Finished Check out all the Customizable sections in the banners area. Thanks to Tomer for the Attributes.
And thanks to SBnet for the ton of work cleaning up the back end for me.
Any criticism would be greatly appreciated (good or bad, I can take it, I'm a big boy! ha ha) Just thought I would see if anyone has some advice.


I love Prestashop!


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Thank you so much for your input. I'm going to make most of those changes. Spelling has never been my strong point. oops! lol, I have a dictionary sitting right beside me, Maybe I should brush the dust off it and actually use it.

I really don't like the whole "We have it all!" artwork myself. When I did the original art I had a really nice photo of Car driving off into the distance. The owner of the company wanted me to cram all those images into one picture. Good Grief!!! anyways. I'll try and work on him about that change. I would love to take that art out.

Again thank you so much for your honesty.

Oh! What exactly is the blocktags module?

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I had to add that as code into one of the files. I forget which one. I'll look into it and let you know. For the "this site is safe" I just made the image and replaced the advertising block image and then changed the pop up text from advertising to "Security".

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Hi Angora.

1. I have linked the index.html to go directly to the Presta page now removing the "entre" page completely. Good Idea.
2. I am correcting my horrible spelling
3. I am having someone re-write the Center Call out to my site.
4. I am also looking for a nice image to replace the ugly We have it all Graphics. (I hope I can convince my boss)
5. How should I go about changing my Categories page:

"View your categories pages via the point of view of a laptop user (screen res 1280 × 800)
I doubt those prospective customers will admire your 5cm tall “category images”.

6. I can't find this on my website: "What is “for sale” above the fold, prior to scrolling?" where did you see it?

Anyways... Thank you again for your time.

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