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Delivery Time & Date

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I've raised this problem before but a lot of work was being done to get to 1.1 so I decided to leave it until now.

A relation has a catering business which includeds buffets delivered for meetings.

What I would like to do is add a section somewhere for the time and date of the delivery.

It would be best after all the items have been chosen as some customers like to mix and match items.

I have looked at attributes but there were too many combinations which crashed the program.

The time and date of delivery would also have to be included in the invoices and emails.

Has anyone got any ideas please?

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Thanks for that. It does have potential.

I really wanted to be restrictive with the times though ie 07:00, 07:30 etc rather than someone putting in 4.16am.

I've tried adding the delivery as a product with attributes which seems to work a bit. I'm having problems with the order oth the months though. I did try once before but the system collapsed because of the time and date combinations.

You idea may do in the short term though. Many thanks.

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I understand your need of strutured delivery timing for both customer and delivery service.
I did'nt check requested featured list, but it's should be in with the possibility to plannified the disponibilty.
Cause even if the customer can put special request in this comment field, dedicated fields delivery date & time can be use in delivery interface.

A in between solution, use a calendar object (with ) to fill comment field in structured manner.

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I've got all the attributes loaded now. there are 5952 combinations in total.

I got the months to show in the right order by placing a, b, c, etc in front of them and then created the attributes with the "attrubutes generator".

These did not show on the product page as I don't think the system likes calling all 5952 to display.

I then went into the database table and changed the names of the months back to normal.

Seems to work for the moment apart from taking a long time to bring the product up.

I could try having three months rather than the 12 to speed things up.

I would rather have something else though. Anyone got any other ideas?

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I now have a dater and time picker on order.php step1 where the comments box used to be.
This can be seen at www.centrefillings.co.uk/online_store
The problem is I have lost the addresses which I think is down to a div id issue as the date picker has its own which I think is interfering with the page div id.

The date picker is this bit

{l s='Please enter Time and Date delivery is required..'}

<input class="datetimepicker_es" name="message" /></p>

I'll post the order-address.tpl in the next post.

Can anyone see where I am going wrong?

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