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I have accidentally deleted a product, are there way to restore from backup?


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I'm using,

I have accidentally deleted a product by mistake.

Is there any way to recover the product from my database backup?

My backup is 8 days old and there has been some activities, so I would like to only restore specific product only from my backup.

I don't mind lost of image (that I can upload agin) but would like to have any stat associate with the product also to be restored (if it's also deleted by the deletion)

I can confirm the product ID (#5093) from the log.

Any help would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance




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Yes, but I am afraid it must be done manually. You have to copy the entry from at least ps_product, ps_product_lang, ps_product_shop.
You might need others, like if you had attributes and features.
You will need to reupload the images though.

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Thank you NemoPS,

I have text search on my backup.sql file and strangely all above 3 tables are missing. "_product", "_product_lang, "_product_shop"

Are there any chance these tables are missing from backup because I hit the backup button without put the shop into maintenance mode?



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Hi NemoPS,

Now I found that all my backup are stopped at around CREATE TABLE `_order_detail`

I noticed when I hit the backup button, end up an connection lost error, however I saw the zip file was made when I reload it so overlooked the integrity of the backup.

May I know what would be the cause of the backup ended prematurely?



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The error came pretty soon just after hit the button.

Now I can see all the back up ended just after creating _order_detail table like..


  PRIMARY KEY (`id_order_detail`),
  KEY `order_detail_order` (`id_order`),
  KEY `product_id` (`product_id`),
  KEY `product_attribute_id` (`product_attribute_id`),
  KEY `id_order_id_order_detail` (`id_order`,`id_order_detail`),
  KEY `id_tax_rules_group` (`id_tax_rules_group`)

Would it give you any hints?




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It seems error happens while back up. I only found out the all the backup was all prematurely ended by looking for particular record to recover.

Luckily I also had disk snapshot on the cloud so, I have managed to recover the deleted records.

Now I have to find out how the error happens while back up, but it still managed on the list on the database backup list

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