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Is there a closed club or some sort of fraternity on Prestashop?

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I am starting to seriously wonder if there isn't some sort of fraternity or secret society one needs to belong to to get questions answered on this forum. I have been working very hard on my websites over the past few weeks and am not adversed to spend money wehn necessary. I have bought various modules and am very happy with my purchase. Hosever in some cases, despite looking very hard on the forum, there is no module or twicks to do the things that I am looking for. I have therefore posted various questions and none of them have been answered.

So, could somebody be kind enough to let me know if there is another forum or if I need to pay some sort of membership or become member of a club to get those questions answered?

I would be very grateful.

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Hi, Meromanche

I sympathise with you...However I am actually off on holiday till end of march
I was just having a quick look around to see if I could answer anyones questions before logging out

Please don't think no one on this forum listens as a recent member myself I have found that there are
more people looking for answers than you may think but a good thing about this forum is that
usually when you do get a reply it is pretty helpfull

However it seems to help the more specific you are I myself am happy to answer anything I can to help others

I must admit My problems tend to be pretty technical and source code related as I spend huge amounts of time on a problem (A benifit of being free from the restrictions of a normal day job )

Please PM me with a list of your problems and I will have a look at them when I get back from Holidays

I have found being specific is the single most important thing when looking for answers

This is difficult for forum beginners but gets easier the more experienced you get on forums

Most of the members who can help have no time for chit chat so a curteous Hi Guys and strait into the problem

If solved a Curteous thank you is all they want ....OH and of course help others.

Please don't lose hope

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If there was no answer then i expect no-one knows the answer.

I read every post in the Englisg sub-forum, if i can't answer it i move to the next post.

If i spent all my time posting replies that say "Sorry don't know" i wouldnt have time for anything else.

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