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This is ridiculous...

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Huge problem here... can't find even ONE mention of it anywhere in the forums.

Tax is all screwed up... the cart is rounding the total to an even dollar amount, and adjusting the tax amount to fit that. It is adding tax to non-taxed items (which were purchased without tax last week), adding too little to some items, and adding too much to others. My business will be RUINED if I can't figure this out!

Please help, I would really appreciate it!

(screens below)

:::URL in signature:::




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I wish I could help you with this. Have you tried to email support through their contact info? I would post this in the "Configuring & using PrestaShop" area instead of "General discussion"

I'll search around for you as well to see if I find anything on this topic.


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WHAT IS THE PROBLEM HERE? I have even sent PMs to the moderators (the supposed experts) and have not received one reply...

This could put me out of business. Please help.

You didnt send a pm to me, not that I could have helped. Moderators aren't necessarily experts, just people who volunteer their time to help maintain the forum.
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You may have a better chance at getting help, if your topic was an actual question.

You should mention your PS version, whether it was modified in any way, if it was a fresh install or an upgrade.

If you could post screenshots of your tax settings.

Creating a post with a title "This is ridiculous…" and expecting answer is ridiculous.....

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Please help! This is not something that can go unattended; every other question I posted has been ignored but this one is vital to the functioning of my business!!!

could you pls pm me the ftp access ??
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